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When my son was taken I damn near went into early labor. 

See what happened was John was eating dinner with Tate and Cal. and Cal walked outside to feed a horse for Tate. which resulted in a piece of shit taking him. When John went to go look for him he called one of the guys but I answered and he told me Cal was missing . I screamed and cried before I nearly had Koa. but I knew I had to calm down so Koa wouldn't be effected.

so as fast as I could I grabbed a bright flashlight an headed for where John said he was and I started looking while calling his name. which is when the others showed up.

"where they fuck where you asshole mother fuckers?" I asked

"woah baby...calm down" Rip says coming over to me but I pushed him away

"fuck you... don't you ever fucking tell me to fucking calm down..." I say

"what happened" Kayce asked

"Cal was taken" John says and I walked off into Johns house heading for Lee's old room and I grabbed all I could that was his weapons and I headed out.

"I'm gonna get that bastard and his fucking brother too. they'll wish to God they never fucked with my son" I say

"Hold on Cora" RIp says

"either you join me or move your country ass aside" I say 

"I'm gonna go after Cal. you're staying here" he says

"like Hell I will" I say

"you will and that's a fucking order" he says

I wanted to knock the fuck outta him.

"listen to me asshole. that's my fucking son they took, and I will not rest till he is back home. I don't give a fucking shit what you order to me to do. I'm not Dutton's ranch hands I don't have to fucking listen to you. your my husband and Koa's father... not mine" I say

"exactly... with that said you're stressing my son right now and I'll not have you do that so either you let me handle this or you risk our unborn child dying" he says

I looked at him and refriened from saying the harsh words and doing the wrong thing.

"you ever say that to me again as if I'll miscarry Koa. I'll kick the fucking shit outta you do you understand me Rip Wheeler?" I asked

"clearly." he says before taking the weapons and walked off while Beth came and guided me away before I lost my control and said words I'd fucking regret when I was calmed down.

the next morning John gifted Rip and I a cabin of our own since he considers Rip his son. I went to see what it looks like but I didn't say anything to Rip which he didn't like but tough shit.

"you're not gonna talk to me?" he asked

I walked back out the door and walked to my car and drove back to the bunk house where I pulled the hideaway out and laid down on it curled up sending countless prayers to God that my son isn't hurt, or killed and I asked Lee to watch over our boy and protect him.

when night fall came that's when the guys left to do what ever the fuck they were told to do while I tried to distract my mind but seeing Tate didn't help so I did my best to avoid him though monic didn't like it.

"don't punish Tate for what happened to Caloway," she says

"get away from me before you look much worse than Beth" I warned

"I'd listen to her Monica, she fights dirty and you'll never have that pretty face again. " Beth says standing there watching and listening

Monica shakes her head and walks off.

"I just want him in my arms Beth... he belongs here with me... I can't loose him like I had his father" I say as I drop to my knees and sob while Beth sinks down beside me and holds me while comforting me.

Its not too long before I hear trucks and a car coming up the driveway

Beth and I stand and walk out. 

I try to brace myself for the worst.. when I hear

"Mommy...." I looked and there was my son running towards me.

I scooped him up and held him close before I sunk down and held him to me as he stood before me.

"I missed you so much Lee Caloway," I say

"I missed you too." he says

I sobbed while holding my boy and looking at all the guys that I could see

"thank you" I say

they nodded their heads and walked inside

"Dad saved me and so did Grandpa" Cal says

I sobbed and held him closer then ever before. I looked up and saw Rip and John.

"thank you John for saving him." I say

"welcome" he says

I pulled back and kissed Cal's head

"go get cleaned up ok," I say

He nodded his head and ran off with John.

Rip stood there before he knelt down.

"a million times over thank you," I say

"he's my stepson who I love with all my heart. I'd kill anyone and everyone over him, you, Koa, and every other baby we have" he says

I nodded my head knowing he would before I threw my arms around him and pulled him close.

"I'm sorry about what I said about you harming Koa. it was shitty of me," he says

"it was shitty of you but you know what will happen the next time words like that or similar are ever spoken by you to me." I say

"I'll never say those words to you ever again" he says

" I believe you' I say

He gets up and helps me up before wiping the tears from my face.

"thank you for saving our son. " I say before kissing him

he holds me to him as we just share that moment.

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