Chapter 7

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Lucy's POV:

It's 1 pm when I wake up. My head is pounding like hell. I drank way too much yesterday. I grab my phone and see I got a text from Luke.

From Luke Hemmings. How did this even happen? Yesterday morning I woke up with the nerves of meeting my idol. And now I got a text message from my idol. A fucking text.

Still a little mind blown, I open the text.

Hi Lucy, I just got home, it's 6am and I can't stop thinking about you. I had an amazing night. Sleep well x :)

I get butterflies in my stomach, while a huge smile appears on my face. As I roll over and lay on my belly, I reply:

Goodmorning! I had an amazing night too Luke! :) wish we could do this again x

I put my phone on the nightstand and look at the ceiling. I giggle as I think about last night.

It really was amazing. Luke was so sweet and such a genuine nice guy. I already knew he was attractive, but he's also a real gentleman. And don't forget to mention his kissing skills. Woah.

I get up and go to the bathroom. I look in the mirror. Why me? Why not a swimwear model or a famous singer? I honestly don't get it.

After I take a long hot shower, I throw on some skinny jeans on and a random shirt.

I walk back into my room and look at my phone to see that I've got two texts. One from Luke and one from Ems.

Shit, I haven't told Emily yet what happened last night. I'll just call her after breakfast, or lunch since it's passed morning.

I first open Luke his text.

Me too. I hope to see you again soon x

I giggle since I know what he's doing.

I hope to see you again soon.

I reply as I lay down on my bed.

When I open Ems her text I get a shivering feeling through my whole body.

Luc, I don't know what happened last night, but you need to check Twitter. Call me when you read this, I'm here for you.

What is going on?

I open Twitter and all I can see is pictures of me and Luke being all over each other. Fuck. One picture is of me and Luke kissing. KISSING.

These were the pictures that girl from yesterday talked about. Bitch.

I'm scared for my life to open my notifications. As I open them, tears are already filling my eyes.

"@lucywaters you're a slut."

"@lucywaters get the fuck away from him, you're ugly, fat, and obviously just a whore seeking for attention."

"@lucywaters FUCKING GROUPIE"

"@lucywaters lol how are u a groupie ur way 2 ugly."

"@lucywaters I hope you rot in hell"

My notifications keep coming and coming, and as I read all the tweets there are tears all over my cheeks.

I begin to cry. It's just like high school all over again.

I used to get bullied a lot in school. The popular kids would call me ugly or brace face, since I got braces when I was 16. It got to me really good so I went to therapy for 2 years. At the end the bullying stopped but I never looked at myself the same way ever again.

I can't handle more tweets, so I throw my phone away and put my face in my pillow. I cry for 2 hours straight.


A knock on the door wakes me up. Shit, I've must have fallen asleep. Before I walk to the door, I take a look in the mirror. My eyes are all puffed from crying.

Before I even can start to remember every single insult and what is happening right now, I open the door.

"Luc, are you ready? The cab to take us to the airport will be here in 30 minutes." Anna says while looking at me.

"What happened to you? Are you alright? Have you been crying?" She asks as she pulls me into a hug.

I sniffle, and feel this huge lump coming up in my throat. I let out a tear.

"I-it's n-nothing. I j-just g-got some insults and d-dead threats on Twitter. S-some bitch posted photos of me and Luke k-kissing.." I stutter as the tears begin to flow.

"Aw Luc, I'm sorry. But don't let them get to you. They're just jealous. It will probably be over when we're back home. Now go pack your suitcase, we need to leave soon." Anna says while she drags me into my room.

"You have no idea how it feels!" I snap. "They didn't post photos of you and fucking Calum Hood almost dry fucking each other!"

Anna looks at me, almost shocked.


"No Anna!" I cut her off. "Just leave me alone! I need some time alone." I cry.

"Whatever, just make sure you're all packed in half an hour." Anna says as she slams the door.

I aggressively grab my suitcase out of the closet and throw it on the floor.

While I still cry, I throw all my clothes and stuff in my suitcase, not caring of doing it properly.

After 10 minutes of angrily throwing everything around, and making sure I pack everything, I decide to try to call Emily.

"Hey L.. How have you been? You look like you have been crying. Is it that bad?" Emily asks while she looks at me, worrying.

"I-I just.. I don't think I can't handle all those threats again." I say as I begin to sob again. "They're telling me to die Ems."

"Ah sweetheart, I'm so so sorry this is happening. I'm here for you and I love you. You know that right?"

That got me smile a little bit.

"Thanks Ems, I know that, I love you too."

"Now, let's look at the bright side of this all!" Emily says while a smirk appears on her face.

"You made out with Luke Hemmings?!?! I told you he's in love with you!! How was it?"

I giggle as I think about last night. I feel I'm turning red.

"Stop it Ems, you're making me blush."

"No, Luke does that already L." Emily says while she snorts.

"Oh Ems, it was so amazing. He was so sweet to me and we talked all night. An-"

"Talked? You mean kissed all night?" Ems interrupts as she laughs even more.

I laugh as I think about how true that is.

"Ems, maybe, yes, but we also talked and he's so down to earth. It was amazing. He even texted me saying he can't stop thinking about me!" I tell her.

"What!? No way L! Oh my god, you're gonna be his girlfriend. You better let me meet them!!" She almost yells.

"Ems, how do you see this working? I live on the other side of the world, and he's always touring and such. And by the way he can get way better than me."

"It'll work if it's meant to be." She says.

"We'll see Ems, I have to go now. Going home!"

"Okay L, take care and have a safe flight!"

"Thank you! Bye!" I say as I hang up.

I grab my suitcase as I think about what Emily said. It will work if it is meant to be.

I hope it is.

See You Soon Again / Luke Hemmings FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now