Chapter 16

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Hey guys sorry that I only just now updated!! I'm just pretty busy atm because im moving to london in 3 weeks and don't even live in the uk so you can imagine the stress haha! I hope you'll like this, and im planning on updating again in the weekend/monday! Comment and vote if you like it? :) x


After we walk through the doors of her building, we stand in front of the elevators, waiting for one to come.

I wrap my arm around Lucy's waist and give her a kiss on her temple as the elevator arrives. The doors slide open and we step inside.
'Which floor Luc?' I ask.

'Uhm the penthouse..' she says hesitantly.

'Ah rich parents huh? Do I need to prepare myself for an interrogation or something?' I chuckle as I press the button that will take us to the highest floor.

She rolls her eyes and gives me a soft stomp on my arm.

'No my dad isn't even home. And to answer your question, yeah you'll probably need to prepare yourself for something like that.' she laughs.

'And what about your mom?' I ask. But as soon as the words slip out of my mouth, I instantly regret it.

Lucy looks down and sighs.

'You don't have to tell me if you don't want to L.' I say as I immediately wrap both my arms around her to comfort her.

'I-i-its okay Luke, m-my mom p-p-passed away l-last y-y-ear.' she whispers as a tear rolls over her cheek.

'Ah no.. Lucy I'm so so sorry..' I say while I give her a tight hug. 'Do you want me to tell what happened to her?'

'Maybe later Lukey.' she whispers back.

Suddenly the elevator doors slide open and the first thing I see is the perfect view over the whole Central Park. Lucy looses herself from my hug and grabs my hand and pulls me inside.

'I don't want to fuck up the mood, I'm so happy you are here.' she says as she looks up to me.

'I understand Lucy, I'm always here for you, you know that right?'

She nods and gives me a peck on my lips. 'You're amazing Luke'.

I feel myself turning red and give her a smile. 'Stop you are making me blush!'

She laughs as she walks to the enormous windows that shows that incredible view. 'Welcome to my home, Luke Hemmings. You should know that there are some posters in my room of that one stupid band called 5SOS or something. I probably should take them off.' she chuckles as she walks to a door that I think is her bedroom.

'You can rip my other band members off, my face you can keep!' I joke as I walk after her into her bedroom.

'You wish Hemmings.' she laughs. 'Anyways, welcome to my crib, this is were all the magic happens.' she giggles and immediately turns red afterwards.

I blush too and go sit on her bed and look around. There is the poster I've seen before on Skype. But there are many more on her door. She has some fairy lights on her ceiling, which make this room have a cute atmosphere.

She sits next to me and she cups my cheeks and gives me a tender kiss. I kiss her back and wrap my arms around her waist. She pushes me back on the bed and she climbs on top of me. She leaves marks on my neck all the way down to my chest.

'Lucy' I moan.

Her eyes connect with mine. She smiles and kisses my lips. Right after she jumps off of me and of her bed.

'No Lucy stay.' I pout.

'We are gonna take this slow Luke Hemmings, we haven't even been on our first day before!' she exclaims while she sticks her tong out.

I follow her to the kitchen.

'Want some?' she asks as she poors some coke into a glass.

I nod.

'Yeah about that date..' I say. 'I was wondering if you'd like to go on our first real date tonight? Grab dinner at a fancy restaurant? My treat.' I smile.

'Ah Luke I'd love to! I know a nice place we can go to! Not too crowed, it's perfect!' she says as she gives me my glass.

I take a sip and chuckle. 'Good, I don't feel like signing things today anyways.'

'But don't you have to be back in Boston tonight?' she asks while she raises her eyebrows and puts her coke down.

'No I'll take the train tomorrow morning! I have to find a hotel though.'

'Don't be silly!' she says. 'You can stay with me of course, my dad is on a business trip anyways!Oh and by the way, Blair is giving some kind of get-together-party-thing now, and I promised I'd come. Do you wanna go? They don't bite!'

'Sure, I'd love to meet your friends Lucy!' I say as I take another sip from my coke. 'As long as we still can go on that date of ours.'

'Of course babe.' she says as she finishes her drink.

'I'm just gonna change into some nicer clothes, do you want to freshen up or are you okay? I'm sure my dad has some cologne or something boyish.' she says as she walks back to her room.

'I'm okay thanks!' I say as I look at her walking away.

She's so amazing, I can't believe how lucky I am.

An hour later we arrive at I think is Blairs' house. I'm a bit nervous meeting her friends, I don't know how they'll react to see me, if they even know me ofcourse.

'It's okay Lukey.' Lucy comforts me as she kisses my cheek. 'They'll love you!'

I give her a smile and knock on the door.

A girl with brown long hair and grey eyes opens the door.

'Hey Ashley!' Lucy says as she gives her a hug.

A girl who looks exactly like Ashley also comes to the door to welcome us in. Confused as I am I raise my eyebrows.

'They're twins Luke.' Lucy giggles. 'This is Ashley and this is Yasmin.'

'Ah that's what I thought, nice to meet you girls.' I say as I give them a smile. 'I'm L-'

'LUKE HEMMINGS OH MY GOD!!' some other girl who just joined us screamed.

'yes that's me.' I laugh.

'Jeez Blair relax!' Lucy says. 'Sorry for not telling you I was bringing him, but he surprised me.' she says as she locks her eyes with mine.

'Aw that's so cute!' Blair replies. 'Hi Luke, I'm Blair, nice to meet you. Did you also bring your other hot band members? I'd love to meet de bass player.'

'No unfortunately it's only me today Blair.' I chuckle.

'Well alright, come in guys! Welcome to my place, get a drink and make yourself comfortable!' Blair yells as we all follow her into the living room.

When we walk into the living room I hear short gasps and see people's mouth falling open. I look down, not wanting to deal with this now. I'm here for Lucy and nothing else.

'Yes guys this is Luke Hemmings, yes he is in a band but he's just a human just like all of you.' Lucy suddenly yells. 'Treat him like you treat every other human and just chill.'

I see some people nodding and turning back to their conversation they were having.

'Thanks Lucy.' I say as I give her a smile.

'It's okay babe.' she says as she gives me a quick peck on my cheek. 'Do you want a beer?'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2015 ⏰

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