Surprise pt 1

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Emma's POV

I wake up around 7:00 AM, its to early for me so I try to go back to sleep but I can't. I decide to get ready for the day, I take a nice but quick shower and brush my teeth. After I'm done with my whole morning routine I lay down in bed and scroll through tik tok and insta. I've been scrolling for a good 20 minutes when i get a text from Jenna.

J : Good morning Emma, I hope you slept well

A smiles tugs at my lips, I don't know what it is but she makes me feel, cared for?

E :Yeah it was decent, what about you?

J :It was okay, do you know when you wanna hangout?

I'm thinking of a time that would work best, which takes me a minute to respond to Jenna.

E :Uh yeah, do you think 11:30 would be ok?

J :Yup sounds good! I'll be wait out by your trailer, byeee

E :Mhm bye see you later

I get up and decide to find a better outfit for today, I pick black baggy jeans matched with a white crop top. After I pick out my clothes I realize that I forgot to ask Jenna where were going. Its currently 8:00 AM right now, ugh I have a while before we go somewhere.

Jenna's POV

After I finished texting Emma I decide that I should try and get some more sleep. I set my phone down and try to drift on into sleep once again, but I fail. I put on some music before trying to sleep again, it takes me a bit but I feel my eyes start getting heavy.

(Time skip) 9:30 AM

I wake up feeling more refreshed after getting more sleep, I check the time. I lazily rub my eyes and walk into the bathroom to take a shower, once I'm done with my shower I pick out some blue baggy jeans with a band t-shirt. I change into my clothes then I start doing my makeup, nothing fancy.  Once I'm done with everything it's roughly around 10:45, I grab a book and sit down to read. I'm half way through me book when it's 11:20 PM. I decided to finish my chapter then head over to Emma's trailer.

I walk over to Emma's trailer only a few minutes early, I knock on the door waiting for Emma to answer. Once she does she gives me a plesent smile and gestures for me to take a set. I happily oblige and take a set on her bed, we look at each other for a few seconds before the opens her mouth to speak.

"Sooo Jenna, where are we going?" Emma question with a hint of excitement visible in her voice, I give her a quick smile then answer.

"Its a surprise" I say winking at Emma which makes her a tiny bit flustered, its so cute. I give her a small smile once again before speaking.

"Well we should get going right now so come on, let's go" I remark heading towards the door, I open the door for Emma. She thanks be before we start walking to my car. Emma's gonna be so excited to see where I'm going to take her.

Emma's POV

Jenna still hasn't told me where we're going, I look at the window taking in the beautiful scenery. "Hey Em do you wanna stop you eat really quick, I'm getting a little hungry" Jenna states as she turns her head towards be for a few seconds before looking at the road again.

"Yes! I haven't eaten all day" I slightly yell. To be honest I've been feeling hungry for a while so its great that Jenna brought up food. "Do you know where we could get food" I ask.

"Hmmm, not really. How about you search up places to eat at" Jenna suggests. I unlock my phone and go to the search bar, as im looking I find this nice little cafe. Its nice and not that far from where we're driving, I voice my find to Jenna. "Jenna there's this cute little cafe just up ahead"  I show her my phone which has the location of the cafe. "Alright, sure sounds like a plan" she says smiling.

We head over to the cafe and a parking spot, as we walk in we are greeted by pleasant smell of coffee and pastries. "Wow this place smells amazing" I admit as me and Jenna walk up to the counter to order.

"Good afternoon ladies, what can I get you?" The barista says in a kind tone. Me and Jenna look over the menu and decide what we want.

"May I have breakfast sandwich and a iced coffee" I ask

"And can I have a breakfast burrito with a mocha please and thank you" jenna says as she grabs my hand and led us to a table.

Jenna's POV

I sit me and Emma at a table as we wait for our order to be called. Me and Emma make small talk as we wait, I don't know what it is but Emma makes me feel like I can tell her anything. We talk for a few more minutes before we get called. "Order for Emma and Jenna!" The barista yells, me and Em get out food and drinks then sit down again. We eat our food and head out, I cant wait to show Emma where we're going, I hope she like it. I'm driving for a while before Emma speaks to break the silence. "So Jen are you gonna tell me where we're going?" Em asks. OMG, did she just give me a nickname, AHHH I love nicknames. I blush slightly at the name as Emma looks at me and smirks. I feel my heart beat speed up, I take a second to answer.

"nopee, you'll have to see when we're there" I say my cheeks still pink. Emma nods as she looks away. I don't know why I felt that way when Emma gave me a nickname, that's weird... I've never felt that.

1061 words

Heyyy guys, sorry that it took a bit, I had a lot a school work to do but I hope you liked this chapter. Anyways byeee!!

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