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Jenna's POV

I wake up,my arms around Emma as always. Wow she looks so beautiful even when she's sleeping. Her hair messy but cute, how peaceful and relaxed she looks right now. I smile at the sight before I reach for my phone to see the time. Its only 8:00? Damn that seems kind of early to be honest. I lay my head down about to go to sleep before I hear a buzz on the bed side table. I glance over to see if it's mine, but it's not, it's Emma's. Curious I look to see who or what it was, she got a text from a random girl named Mel?

Mel: Good morning Emma baby

The texts reads, I feel a rush of anger and jealousy. Why is someone texting her, why is someone calling her baby? My mind races trying to think of answers but I hear a slight shift signifying that Emma is going to wake up. I quickly put her phone down and lay my head back on the pillow, hoping she won't figure out what I was doing. I feel her head nuzzle into neck before drifting off once more. I let out a sigh through my nose, still thinking of that girl. Was I not good enough for her?

Okay I guess we only had sex and nothing else really but still. Maybe she wanted more, something that I couldn't give her. I haven't really told her how I feel, I'm not good with feelings. Especially romantic feelings. She's so pretty, beautiful, stunning, kind. She's like a ray of sunshine in my dark world. Yes, I know this is the first time saying stuff like this about Emma but it's true. I think ... I like her? Oh no, what if this affects work? Shit, this may be a big problem.

Emma's POV

My eyes flutter open and all I see is blackness. I pull away slightly to see that I was in the crook of Jenna's neck. I move back to my original stop, not ready to stop cuddling. But my mind rushes to Melody, her captivating eyes, how she smiles , her hair. What no, stop it Emma. Your literally cuddling with someone while thinking of her? What the fuck is wrong with me right now? I nuzzle im closer to the girl, her hands move to waist. Jenna is still sleeping but it's cute how she just did that.

But Jenna, wow Jenna. Jen is so gorgeous and breathtaking, not to mention she's so smart. I like how she acts, looks, how her brain works, I like all of her. But does she like me? Or is she just going to fuck me? I feel that Jen would never to that to me, but it's not impossible. I guess I kind of like Jen, I don't know.

Melody on the other hand, she's so sweet (like Jenna) and her eyes are so pretty, the smile, the way she talks to me. Me and Mel were talking last night after Jen went to bed, I could talk to her for hours. I guess I'm glad her first move wasn't almost sex like it was with Jenna. Don't get my wrong it was awesome until it ended by Joy but still. With Mel she just lightly grabbed my waist and that was it. She didn't kiss me, which I'm okay with.

But something with Jenna is just eating me alive, I don't know if I could do that to her. She doesn't deserve that at all, but Mel is something else.

I move slowly and carefully over Jenna whom is still sleeping. I grab my phone and see that Melody texted me.

Mel: Good morning Emma baby

The text makes my heart race and my stomach flutter. I smile before texting back quickly.

Emma: good morning to Mel, did you sleep well honey?

I called her honey because I just wanted to return the name thing favor. Jenna is still asleep, I look at her my eyes soften before looked at my phone once more.

Melody POV

I giggle at the nickname Emma just called me. Gosh, I've never had my heart pound faster.

Mel: Why I slept good, and you darling?

The girl on the other side of the phone replies in seconds.

Emma: Yup, like a baby. So what are you doing today?

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