Hangout (s)

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(Okay guys there may be a small smut in here so yuh)

Emma's POV

Me and Joy talk for a few minutes before we pull into a parking lot. I take a quick glance around and see that this place is kinda fancy. "Where here" Jenna says dragging out the last word.

"Yay!" Joy says, her expression filled with Joy. Haha Joy filled with Joy, see what a did there? Anyways we all get out of the car and walk into the restaurant, we're hit with a smell of something delightful.

"Joy, table for three" Joy states to the host. He nods before a server brings up to the table. I seat myself to Jenna, Joy sits across the table from us. We chat while we look over the menu. A girl waiter with, black hair a nice build. I do have to say shes really pretty.

"Hello ladies, is there any drinks or appetizers I could get you started with?" The waitress says looking between the three of us, but when she looks at me, she eyes me up and down. I feel a slight blush creep onto my face, the waitress then smirks at me slightly.

"Yes, I'll have a water and a coke" Jenna said her eyes hardened at the waitress. She jots down Jen's order.

"I'll have a sprite and could I have a salad for an appetizer" Joy asks looking up from the menu.

"Yes of course" the girl say and then turns to me.

"And for you darling?" She says looking me in my eyes.

"I-uh, I'll have uh, dr pepper and a salad also" I stutter a the name. She writes my order but then she rips a piece of paper off the pad and hands it to me. I look at I see it's her phone number, I smile slightly trying not to be obvious. I slide the number in my pocket and look around the table. I see Jenna's expression hard and cold, she looks at me before speaking.

"Emma. Your mine, you got that?" Jenna whispers roughly in my ear, but her tone is also soft. I feel heat rising to my face, but I nod not saying a word. Jenna nods also and then pulls away from me.

"Emma, I saw that, with our waitress" Joy says raising a eyebrow and smirks at me. I try to speak but then I feel a hand on my thigh. I glance down quickly and see that it's Jenna's. She smirks very slightly before turning to Joy.

"Uh yeah, I mean she's really pretty" I admit looking at Joy.

"Ohhh, little Emma might have a crush" Joy says dragging out the first and last word. I laugh playfully, and nod.

I then feel Jenna's hand go up, I freeze and look at Jenna. Jen has the seductive smile on her face, and I would be lying if I didn't say that turned me on. I ignore it and engage in a conversation with Joy and Jen. Her hand starts slowly moving higher but she rubs her thumb while doing so. I suppress a whimper by biting my bottom lip. I can tell Jenna is enjoying this, this girl will be the death of me. Yet Jenna acts like she isn't doing anything to me.

The waitress then comes back to our table with our drinks and appetizers. She then looks at me a gives me a cute innocent smile. "Okay ladies, so what would you like?" She asks her tone sweet.

"I'll have a steak with shrimp and for the sides I'll have rice and some fries please" Jenna says looking at the waitress, her tone slightly rude but she tries to make it not obvious.

"I'll have the burger with fries and green beans for the sides" Joy relies to the waitress.

"And you ma'am?" She asks. MA'AM. MA'AM, GOD WHEN SOMEONE CALLS ME MA'AM I WILL GO FERAL. I put my head down trying it hide the blush. I see Jenna's hand is still on my thigh, her hand squeezes my thigh and moves up more.

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