I stir awake slowly, feeling a weight on my stomach and thigh. I lift up the blanket lightly knowing Emma was still sleeping. I knew she would be laying on my stomach but on my thigh? Once I fully lift up the blanket I see a peaceful sleeping Emma on me. I scan down to see what's on my thigh. I see her head on my stomach and my thigh but I also see one of her hands on my upper inner thigh. I blush deeply and panic at the same time, why am I feeling like this? I shift a little trying to move her hand, which causes her to move her hand a bit higher and move her head fully on my stomach. I try not to freak out by the action. I sit there for a minute wondering what to do, then I feel her weight shift off of me but her hand still on my thigh. I opens her eyes slowly and looks at me, she notices I'm red as a tomato. "Um, Jen are you okay? You seem a little. Red" I blush harder at the nickname, I have to take a second to clam myself.
"Oh yeah, I'm completely fine Emma!" I reply taking a quick glance at her hand which is still on me. She looks at me curious, wondering what I was looking at. She shoots a look to see what I looked at and then her eyes widen.
"Omg Jenna I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to! I'm sorry if l made you feel uncomfortable" Emma says as she takes her hand off my thigh. I feel relief and sadness overtake me. I don't know why I feel a bit sad now, that's weird. Emma blushes from embarrassment, and rubs the back of her neck. After she rubs her neck she looks down in shame.
"No Emma its okay, I know you didn't mean to" I say comforting her slightly. She looks up at me, her cheeks still a rose pink. She looks into me eyes which makes me a bit flustered, Emma notices and gives me a small smirk. Emma looks away then I do so a second later. She sits up slightly before speaking.
Emma's POV
"We should get ready. we get to meet the whole cast today!" I say enthusiastically. Today we get to meet our co-stars and get to know them a bit. I guess I only talk to one of two of me co-stars. Jenna looks at me before getting up.
"Yeah your right, I'm going to head back to my trailer to get changed. And when your done come to mine" Jen says before she heads out the door. I sit there for a minute or two until I take a shower, put my makeup on and find something to wear. After my shower I try looking for something to put in. I find this all white button up, a black leather jacket, some blue baggy jeans and I put a loosened red tie on.
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(I might up pics in these so you know the outfit or get the idea, also i dont know what pants she wearing so i just thought of something)
I look at myself in the mirror for a minute thinking if this is the right choice. I agree with the outfit then I processed to put some makeup on, nothing to much. After I'm done I grab my phone and put it in my pockets with other items too. Then I'm out the door heading to Jenna's.
I knock on Jenna's trailer waiting for her to answer. Its dead silent so I get a bit worried. I reach for the door knod and slowly push open the door, I look around to see if I see Jenna. I walk around inside of her trailer before I spot her. I was about to say hi to Jenna, but before I could even open my mouth she took her shirt off, not knowing I was standing behind her. My eyes widen at the sight of Jenna just in her bra. I stand there in awe for a minute admiring her body, how perfect she looks. After a moment I see Jenna putting on another shirt, she turns to the cracked open door. I panic and move out of sight, after I do so I sit down on Jen's bed. The door and gets startled by me.
"Omg, Emma! You scared me half to dead, how long have you been here?" Jenna question looking at herself in the mirror. I blush slightly remember how Jenna's body looked. I brush off the memory before speaking.
"I've only been here for a minute, I knocked on the door and you didn't answer. Sorry I shouldn't have just come in" I admit. I don't know why I felt that way when I saw Jenna, I usually would have looked away and left, but something wouldn't let me.
"Oh no its okay, I should have heard you knocking" Jenna says looking at me through the mirror. Jenna's was wearing a white crop top shirt with a print on it, black sweat pants and a thing blue jacket with a headband.
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Jenna's POV
I look at Emma through the mirror admiring how beautiful and... hot she looks, then I notice she's a bit pink oh her cheeks. I shrug it off and I turn to look at Em. "Okay we have 10 minutes until 11:00 and that's when we need to be there" I say looking at the time then back to Emma. After I say so I sit down next to Em on my bed and we begin to chat to past the time. Its a few minutes before we head to the warehouse for the event. Once we get through security we head to this big room filled with all the cast. We see Joy, Hunter, Georgie, Percy, Moosa, and Naomi all in a group talking. I grad Emma's hand and we walk towards the group.
"Hey guys!' I say looking around a everyone, then I see Emma. She looks nervous, she told me how she's anti social. I grab her slightly by the waist and pull her closer to me. She looks at me and grin before looking at everyone.
"Hi!" The group says in unison. The all shoot a smile at me and Emma. I see Em wave then glances at the others. They invite us into the conversation. We talk for a bit before I get a bit thirsty. "Hey Em, I'll be back I'm going to get a drink, do you want one?" I question. She nods before I walk of to a table with drinks and food. I grad me and Emma so water, I turn around and then I see Tim walking over to me.
"Hey Jenna long time no see!' Tim says shooting a playful look at me.
"Yeah!" I say smiling at him.
"So... It seems like you and Emma are close now, huh?" Tim raises a eyebrow at me.
"Mhm, she's really sweet and fun to be around" I stare glancing over at Emma still talking with the group. Then she looks at me and waves before turning back.
"That's good, welp sorry to bother you Jenna, I hope you have fun getting to know everyone" Tim says before walking off. I walk over to Emma's and hand her the water. Once I do so I turn to talk to everyone, then suddenly I feel a hand reach for mind and interlock fingers with mine. I look down and see it was Emma's hand, I look at her and give her a smile. We bother turn back to be involved with the conversation between the cast. We're there for a good 5 hours before we head back to my trailer.
I hold the door waiting for Em to walk through. Once she does I lock the door and plop down on my bed.
"Ugh, I'm so tired now" I whine. Emma then looks at me and rolls her eyes playful.
"Me too, I just want to take a nap" Em admits before crawling onto the bed and and puts her head on my chest. I play with her hair I feel Emma sink down a bit more into me, signifying she's asleep. And soon I succome to sleep as well.
1500 words
HEY GUYS, sorry it took a week to post, I was feeling sick and all but I'm doing a bit better. As I was writing this I realized I forgot like the cast of Wednesday so I put them in this as well. Also if there and grammar mistakes don't be shy to tell me. But thank you for reading this chapter, I'll see if I can post soon again. School work and managing friendships is hard you know. But havs a good day or night good bye reader!