Thanksgiving pt3

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Jenna's POV

After family game night me and Emma decide to go to sleep. Traveling and all is really tiring. We change into some more comfy clothes and do our routines. Once we finished everything we plop down on my bed and cuddle.

I'm kind of excited for tomorrow, I'm going to take Emma to a nice restaurant and then ask her to be my girlfriend. To be completely honest, I'm so nervous. What if she says no? Or if she isn't ready for that yet. I mean I would wait for her but that would hurt. I want to be with her, she's so sweet and kind.

"Hey baby, do you want to go to a restaurant tomorrow?" I ask while rubbing her back. I feel Emma shift in my arms. We are now face to face, I can see every detail. How her eyelashes flutter when she blinks. The little details in her eyes, the splashes of blue and a bit of light green. The small freckles on her cheeks. Every little valley on her lips. God, how did I get this girl?

"Yes honey, I would love that" she answers, giving me a quick peck on the lips. I smile at the blonde and then close my eyes.

I find myself falling into a deep sleep, the last thing I hear is a "goodnight" from Emma.

I awake by myself this time, thank the Lord. Feeling well rested and all I decide to get ready for today. I'm going out with Em today, I'm so happy. AHHHHHH.

I brush my teeth and find something nice to wear. We're going to a nice well sorry of, restaurant but not fancy, I know Em doesn't like that kind of restaurants. Once I finish everything I decided to wake up my sleeping beauty.

"Cariño" I say, placing me hand on her shoulder and shake gently.

"Hmmm" she mumbles. I then start planting kisses all over my love's face.

"I'm up, I'm up" Emma say while turning her face. I still try my best to keep kissing her. But she obviously is still half asleep.

"Okay, come on Emma, up up up" I say while clapping my hands at the sleepy girl. Em sits up and gives me a kiss. It was short n sweet, I love her kisses. Her lips are always so soft and gentle.

"Okay baby, I'm going to get up now" Em admits. She finally gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom, but before she closes the door she asks me s question.

"How should I dress for the restaurant?" She questions, her head peaking out of the door frame.

"Something nice but not fancy!" I yell back at the blue eyes girl. She gives me a nod and head into the bathroom.

Me and Emmy both head down stairs and we're greeted with my family.

"Hi mom, me and Emma are going out for a bit. I love you" I say while dragging Emma along with me.

"Alright, be safe I love you too, bye" My mother replies. I open the door for Emma and then shut it on my way out. We head to my car and get in. Right now it's 12:30, so it's about lunch time. And tomorrow is Thanksgiving so this is going to be one fun. I swear, not in a sarcastic way.

I start the car and soon after we take off to the restaurant. I'm going to take Emma out for lunch, and then we'll go in a walk. I'll give her some flowers, chocolates and a stuffed sharks. I know it sounds like I should have gotten her a bear be she likes sharks more.

We pull into the parking to of the restaurant. I get out and open the door for my princess, she steps out and looks at me.

"Why aren't you a gentleman" she states while grabbing my hand.

"Okay Emma, as much as I love you and physical touch we can't be too touchy" I say before she nods. I lead her into the restaurant, still hand in hand. I walk up to host stand with Emma behind me.

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