Emma's POV
The car pulls up into the driveway of the Ortega's house. It's a white house, big enough to fit 10 people, it's one of those rich house's that's not too rich but rich. It a pretty nice house, I would love to live here. I wonder if Jenna grew up here or moved when they got more money.
"Okay, let's go Em" Jenna say, breaking me out of my thoughts. I open my door and step out of the car. I walk around to the front of the car and meet Jen.
"Um so, does your mom know" I question looking down at my feet.
"Know about what?" Jenna replies grabbing my hand. I feel her warmth, I feel a sense of relaxation from the touch.
"About... us I guess" I say playing with her fingers.
"Oh, no not yet. I'm planning on telling her tomorrow, if that's okay with you?" she asks giving my hand a gentle squeeze.
"Yeah that okay with me" I say looking up at Jenna and give her a smile. I see her eyes soften when I smile. I could keep eye contact with her forever, I love her chocolate brown eyes. Jen looks away and glances at the door of the house.
I then remembered about the Percy shit, fuck I forgot I have to tell her. She's not going to be happy, well I hope she won't be happy.
"Oh yeah, um Jenny" I say not thinking of what I just called her. I haven't ever called her that, oops. I she turns to look at me, her cheeks red and her expression filled with amusement with a hint of shock. I feel my cheeks heat up a little bit, I try to keep my composer.
"Yes?" She asks, looking at me like she's trying to remember every little detail on my face.
"So... Percy asked if your we're single, but I told him that you're talking to someone, but that won't stop him from trying to hit on you. I'm kind of scared that... you might leave me. For him." I speak a hundred miles per hour. My voice goes quiet at the end. I feel her grip tightening on my hand, she starts rubbing the back of my hand with her thumb.
"Baby, you know I would never leave you for him" she says looking me in my eyes. Her eyes give me reassurance, there soft and caring, her eyes tell me everything I need to know.
"Okay" I reply. I lean over and give her a small kiss on the cheek before we walk to the front door. She opens the front door and walks in. I see her Mom, Dad,a few brothers and sisters. There all gathered in the living room where there's streamers and a cake. It's cute.
"Welcome back!" They all say in unison, that's so sweet they threw a little celebration for her. I'm standing in the doorway while Jenna goes to hug her family. This is so cuteee, I pull out my phone and snap a few pictures.
Jen turns around and sees I'm taking pictures. I give her a quick smile before putting my phone away, Jenna walks up to me and put her hand on my shoulder.
"Everyone, this is my co-star Emma Myers, Emma this is Aliyah who you've already met, Mia, Mariah, Isaac, Markus and my mom and dad." She says pointing to everyone.
"Hey guys" I say waving my hand slightly. This is a lot of people, and I'm meeting them for the first time. I'm horrible at meeting new people, and this is kind of a large group, AND THIS IS HER FAMILY. Oh God, I'm screwed if they don't like me.
A few of them say hi back, while the others shoot me a smile. Her parents come up to me and shake my hand.
"Hello Emma I'm Natalie, and this is Edward, it's nice to meet you" her Mom says while shaking my hand. She seems nice, we should be good, I hope.
"Hi, I've heard good things about you, it's nice to put a face to the name" I reply smiling, I then reach my hand out to shake her dad's. He happily obliges and we shake hands, it seems we're going good. I hope it stays like this.

Jemma | after hours
FanfictionThis takes place when Jenna and Emma are filming Wednesday. Maybe some smut but also this is my first story sooo yeah