Christmas Day (s)

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Jenna's POV

I walk into the household of the Myers. I'm really fucking scared to be honest. Me and Em are holding hands as she walks into the living room. I'm walking behind Emma though, not next to her because I'm too pussy right now. I mean that's what I'm going to eat later.

You are what you eat.

"Hey guys!" Emma says to her family that is on the couch watching something. They must have not heard us walk in. They all turn and look at us and there faces all light up with surprise and shock.

"Oh my God, Emma!" Everyone says in unison as they all run up and hug her. I let go of Emma's hand so she can hug all of them back. Everyone goes and hugs her except one girl whom is still sitting on the couch. I look at her and it seems as if she's holding something, I look a bit harder and I see that it's a baby. I then look at the girls face and she gives me a polite smile and wave. I do the same.

"We missed you so much, it's been like forever!" Emma's mom says and she plants kisses all over her face.

"Mommm"  Em complains, but I can see the smile on her face. Her mother soon pulls away from her daughter.

"I'm sorry but am not allowed to miss my favorite child?" Her mom says. Emma lets out a small laugh at her words.

"Well not like that and see Jason, I'm liked more" Em says with a big ass smile and she sticks out her tongue. I see the younger man who is standing by what seems to be the dad. So that means the one next to her dad must be Jason.

"That's what my said to me today" I look between the two siblings. Emma looks so cute when she's playfully teasing someone. Her and Jason get into a little playful argument. So I decide to say hi to the girl on the couch. I know that's her brother's wife but I don't know her name. I go walk over and take a seat next to the girl.

"Hi, I'm Jenna" I say with a smile on my face. I stick my hand out for a shake. The girl happily obliges and shakes my hand.

"Hello, I'm Finley" The girl on the couch says. Okay guys, we got a name now.

"Oh my God, that's such a beautiful name" I admit to Finley. She then has a big smile on her face from my compliment.

"And what's this little ones names" I ask pointing to the tiny human in her arms. She lets out a little laugh and then speaks.

"Her name is Cece" Finley says as she lightly tickles the baby's stomach.

"Awww, that's so cute" I say looking at the baby with a smile. I make more conversation with Finley while Emma is talking with the rest of her family.

"Jenna, Finley come over hear" I head Emma's mom yell. We then walk over to her group who is now standing around kitchen island. I go by Emma and Finley walks over to Jason. I give Emma a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Hey Jenna I just wanted to introduce myself, I'm Nicole" says Emma's mom as she extended out her hand for a shake. I happily shake her hand back.

"I'm Jeremy" Her father says. I shake his hand as well.

"I'm Jason and this is my wife Finley" Em's brother says. I shake both of there hands, even Finley. We all head to the couch and chat it up a bit. But yes currently 11 pm and and me and Emma are tired.

"I'm sorry guys, me and Jenna are tired and we're going to head to bed" Emma admits as she yawns.

"Okay guys, I love you, goodnight" is all that Emma says before she drags me upstairs into her room. I can see mine and Em's luggage on the floor. I don't to take a good look at the room before I'm pushed on to the bed.

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