Here we are

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Jenna's POV

I'm driving down a long road to the set of Wednesday, I'm so excited to work with the one and only Tim Burton. I grew up watching his movies and shows and now I'm in one of them. It seems so surreal but I can't wait.

I pull up into this slightly big parking lot filled with tons of cars. I find a decent parking spot and get out of the car and start waking into this wearhouse. Once I step into the wearhouse I see security, they ask for my name and then let me in. I see tim and I start walking over to him to say a quick hi.

"Hey Tim" I say with a hint of nervousness in my voice.

"Oh hey Jenna, it's nice to see you" he says as he turns his head towards me.

"I hope your ready to film Wednesday next week, I cant wait" tim speak with enthusiasm.

"Yeah I cant wait either" I commented not really knowing what else to say.

Tim was about to open his mouth to say something but he was interrupted by a call.

"Hey Jenna I'm so sorry I have to take this call, why don't you see if you can find any cast members to talk to. Once again sorry" Tim says as he starts walking away.

I stand there for a second after he walks off. I decided to walk around to see if I could find anyone of the cast members. I start walking for a bit, I look down at my phone you know to check the time then I bump into someone. I look down at the girl who I bumped into and I quickly apologize.

"Oh my god I'm so so sorry ma'am I didn't mean to" I explained to the girl.

"No its okay I know you didn't" she remeasures me as she takes my hand so I could help her up. I pull her up to her feet, she starts brushing off the dirt on her pants.

"Again I'm so sorry, I should have looked where I was going" I say my voice filled with remorse.

"Hey don't stress its okay, to be honest it's completely my fault" she said looking up at me. The first thing I saw were her ocean blue eyes, they have to be the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen. I stare for a bit but then I pull myself back into reality. She study's my face for a quick minute which makes me a bit flustered.

"You're Jenna right?" She questions

"Uh yeah" I say rubbing the back of me neck. It takes me a second to realize she's Emma, the one who plays Enid. "Oh you must be Emma" I claim.

Emma's POV

"Yup that's me!" I chuckle lightly, I can't believe that Jenna Ortega. THE JENNA ORTEGA knows who I am, AHHHHHH. I mean she probably only does because she has to work with me but still.

"Hi Emma, its really nice to meet you. I'm sorry that this your first impression of me" she apologize while smiling, her smile is so pretty. She extends her hand out for a handshake, I happily oblige and shake her hand.

"No you didn't make a bad impression its okay" I reassure her and let go of the handshake. She half-heartedly smiled and rubs the back of her neck again.

"Uh okay sorry again, maybe I could make it up to you one day cuz you know, I bumped into you" she said laughing a little at the last part.

"Hm depends what we do" I say smirking at her. We both giggle in unison and then we start making small talk. I suggest that we could head to my trailer and talk a bit more and there. She agrees and we start walking, me and Jenna walk side by side until we reach my trailer. I open the door for her and she walks in giving me a little smile.

"Wow these trailers seem nice" she states as she walks around a bit taking a look at things.

"Yeah I know, when i first walked in i was in shock. This is the nicest trailer I have ever been in" I admitted. After a minute of looking around we both sat down and started chatting. She was talking about her family and friends, by the way she was talking about them told me she really cares about those people. She also told me  when she was little she always wanted to be a actress. It was sweet to see how she talked about the people of things she cared about. I could tell she was a very caring person the second i met her. We talked a bit more before Jenna stood up.

Jenna's POV

I stood up and checked the time, it was 7:30. Me and Emma have been talking for a good few hours. From what she had told me she is a very sweet and calm person, and I like that. I turned around to look at Emma. "I kinda have to go and get settled into my trailer, it was super nice to meet you finally" I said before walking near the door before Emma stopped me.

"Yeah it was fun talking, if you don't mind do you think I could have your number so we could text or something" Emma asked while looking to the side trying to hide the bit of embarrassment from asking.

"Yes sorry of course, I completely forgot sorry" I apologize and handed my phone to her. After she put her number in we said our goodbyes and parted ways. I enjoyed hanging out with Emma, she is truly sweet and I find it kind of funny how she gets embarrassed easily, its cute. I'm a few feet away from my trailer when I get a text, I open my phone to see it was Emma. I walk into my trailer and quickly get settled in, then I hop into bed. Once I pull the blanket over me I answer her text.

E: Hey Jenna, did you get back to your trailer safely?

J: Yeah I did, thanks for asking that's really sweet of you. Maybe we should hang out tomorrow

E:Yeah sure, that sounds good

J: Okayy, well im gonna go to bed I'm super tired. Goodnight Emma sleep well

E: Yeah me too, nighty night Jenna see you tomorrow

I read her text then put my phone down on my night stand. I slowly started to drift off to sleep, must have been the jet lag but after a few minutes of closing my eyes I was fast asleep.

1170 words

Hey reader I hope you thought this chapter was decent enough, this is my first book so I hoped you like it so far but thanks for the read, I'll try to post often but thanks again. Have a good day or night byeee!!

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