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Emma's POV

I say my goodbye to Jenna and leave to go see Mel. I'm kind of excited to see her, she's so pretty and nice I guess. I hope she's actually nice though, it could be a only online thing, but hey you never know right? I hope us hanging out is worth it, this is my last day off before I have to start shooting Wednesday.

I finally reach the destination and get out of the car. I text Mel that I'm here, as I send the text I see a car pull up, it's Mel. Holy shit, she looks so breathtaking. She wears flared jeans and a black crop top. God, she knows how to dress.

"Hey Emy" Mel says her voice filled with happiness. Emy? Oh fuck not with the nicknames again. I blush the slightest. I turn away to hide the blush, but then I feel a hand on my chin. Mel grabs my chin softly and turns my head.

"Aw Emy darling, don't hide your beautiful face" she says smiling, her eyes soft.

"I-uh okay" I reply to the girl. She then takes her hand of my chin. I wish she could have don't that forever.

"So beautiful, would you like to go on a walk?" Mel sheepishly smiling, but it's adorable. She offers me her hand, I happily oblige and hold her hand. We walk through a small park leading into a forest. It's kind of creepy, I don't like this.

"Mel baby, I don't know if I wanna go through this, it's kinda scary" I voice my opinion to the girl who's holding my hand.

"Hey, don't worry it'll be okay, nothing's gonna happen mi amore" Mel squeezes my hand light before she turns her head back to the trail. I'm to worried about the forest to hear what she called me. I realized that this place is kind of beautiful, the trees are the perfect color of green and the flowers are all different colors but they go well together. Wow, I need to bring Jenna here, just to hang out.

We walk for about five more minutes before we come upon a blanket with drinks, foods and small snacks laid out. Mel then walks a head of me, still holding my hand and leading the way. She gestures for me to sit down.

"So Emma, do you like it?" Mel asks her face showed a little worry.

"Aw of course I do love, thank you" I say looking at the eyes, I think see them look at my lips for a second, I do the same as well. I lean in slightly see if she would do the same, and she does. I slowly close the gap between me and Mel, our lips met in a softy and gentle kiss. I feel like she takes it slower than Jenna, I mean no hate but still. we're still kissing and not having sex right now, although I'm kind of fucking horny. I pull away not wanting to go any further with Mel. She smiles at me and blushes, God, she's so cute.

"So shall we eat now?" She asks before she reaches for something for herself to eat.

We finish our food and just lay in the blanket talking to each other. About lide, family, Friends. But for some reason she never brought up work, either she doesn't want to talk about work or she knows who I am. I turn to look at Mel, admiring her beauty, but as I'm doing so Mel looks at me.

"What?" She says looking at my eyes and then my lips. Fuck I can't do this right now. I kiss Mel rough but soft at the same time, fuck. Mel then climbs on top of me not braking the kiss.

"Are you okay with this baby?" Mel asks . I nod, and with that she keeps kissing me. Her knee accidentally brushed over my clit lightly, I couldn't help but moan. Mel stops the kiss and looks at me, a smirk plastered on her face.

"Someone sounds a little needy, huh baby?" She say before kissing me again. She then travels down my neck and finds all my sweet spots and sucks. I let out a whimper trying not to moan, I feel Mel smirk on my skin. God, she's nice,pretty and can turn me on? Fuck yeah, but Jenna is all of those things too,  maybe more? Emma stop you're with Mel right now , why am I thinking that. Her hands roam up and down my body, taking every detail of my in. Her hand stops at my breast and squeezes it lightly. I moan quietly needing her to do more to me, holy fuck.

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