It's Time

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Jenna's POV

It's been less then a month from Thanksgiving. Christmas is a week away and I'm so exited. Me and Emma agreed on going to her's for Christmas and then mine, which sounds good. We're doing Christmas eve at mine then Christmas day at her's.

But anyways filming is going pretty smooth, we got 3 episodes done in all which is so awesome. I'm just so excited that I get to meet Emma's folks, but I am also scared. What if they don't like me?  I mean I've heard so many good things about her family, but you never know.

Also me and Emma's relationship has grown stronger. We open up about our problem and everything. Yeah I know it sounds kind of stupid but the thing is that I don't like sharing my feelings. But Emma makes me feel so safe and cared for, it's almost easy to tell her everything. I'm so glad I have someone like her in my life. I think well last for a long time.

Right now I'm on set taking a break. I'm also texting my lovely girlfriend.

Emma: Hey my love, how's your filming going?

She isn't film today, it's because she doesn't feel all to good.

Jenna: it's good, how are you feeling cariño?

Emma: I'm doing a bit better, but I miss you

I catch myself smiling at her text, God she's so cute and sweet.

Jenna: Aw, I miss you too baby

Emma: Well I hope I get to see you soon my love

Jenna: Yeah but don't worry, I'm almost done for the day.

Jenna: Also, don't forget to book the tickets. You forgot for Thanksgiving so let's not it Christmas too.

Emma: Yeah, yeah. I'm going to do that right now babe

Jenna: Okay, well I got to go and film now, I love you

Emma: I love you too baby, bye

I put my phone down and I head to set. Today I'm filming with Percy and Joy. Its the scene where I'm looking in Xavier's dorm and I hide under the bed so yeah. This is going to be fun, and to be completely honest I don't fuck with Percy.

I walk to my trailer where Emma is, I can't wait to see her. I grab my keys and open the door. I'm greeted with my beautiful girlfriend who is standing at the do or smiling. God that smile makes me fold.

"Hey baby!" She squeals, her smile widening. I embrace Emma in a hug, her arms wrap around me tightly.

"How are you feeling?" I question. I then back away from the hug and feel Em's forehead. It's a little warm but way better.

"I feel great! Just a little cough and sneeze here and there" she says, her smile growing even wider. She then hugs me again.

"Wow, what's gotten into you, your really happy and smiley" I say giggling slightly. I mean she's so cute when she's all giddy, but this is kind of out of nowhere.

"MY BROTHER JASON JUST HAD A BABY!" Emma say while jumping up and down. My jaw dropped to the floor. (Ok she does have a brother but now she does)

"WHAT?! THATS AMAZING! BOY OR GIRL?" I can hardly contain my excitement for Emma.

"GIRL!" At this point we are screaming to each other. One thing crosses my mind, how did I not know or how did Emma not know?

"Wait, when did you find out?" I ask. The curiosity got the best of me.

Jemma | after hours Where stories live. Discover now