Out of my Mind

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I pull on jeans, hoodie and a pair of shoes and follow Madi out the room. I hear the front door slam as I'm just leaving my bedroom. I rush down to the bottom of the stairs and look up to see my parents staring at me.

My mom clears her throat before speaking, "So, Blake. Who was that?"

"Um, that was the friend I was telling you about." I respond, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"And what was she doing here?"

"She may or may not have stayed over last night."


"I don't know."

"Quit lying."

"She was a bit drunk and needed a ride and didn't want to go home."

"Jeez, Blake." She rubs her hand over her face, "You said you were hanging out with friends last night."

"I was."

"You went to a party."

"And my friends were there."

"Look, you're eighteen now, we can't tell you what to do. Just be smart, be responsible. Don't hide things." She turns to leave, "Oh, and don't have sex in my house."

My dad stifles a laugh from beside her. She grabs her travel mug with coffee and goes outside to her car to go to work.

"So...." I rest my arms on the island across from my dad.

"So... how long have you been seeing her?" He asks before taking a sip of his coffee.

"She's just a friend."

He laughs to himself, "You're not as quiet as you think."

"We're not dating."


"I started talking to her a couple weeks ago."

"Are you serious?"

"Not yet."

"She seems like a good girl."

I look at my hands, "She is."

He notices my reaction and drops his head, "Shit, what'd you do."

"She's mad at me. We got in an argument."

"About what."

"Nothing serious."

"Well it had to be the way she was racing out of here."

"Ugh." I fold my arms over and rest my hand on them.

"Said her name was Madison?"

"That'd be her."

"Welp. Good luck with that." He pats me on the shoulder and walks off to his office.

"Yup." I go back upstairs and try calling Madi a couple times. After the third time of getting sent straight to voicemail, I give up.

This girl is gonna be the death of me.


I'm on my way over to Sean's house to hang out with the group. I finally pull into his driveway and walk inside. Everyone is already here, me being the last to show up. I go to take a seat on the couch but I get stopped by Kate, "Hey, Blake."


"Can we talk?"

"Um, yeah of course." I follow her into Sean's kitchen.

She hops onto the counter, "Madi has an issue."

"What do you mean?" I step forward, concerned that something maybe happened to Madi.

"At first I thought it was just one time thing so I wasn't gonna say anything, but it's been happening everyday now."

"Kate, what's going on."

"I'll walk into the bathroom at school in fourth period around the same time and she'll be smoking in one of the stalls. Maybe it's normal for her, but it shouldn't be."

"When was the first time this happened?"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"'Cause I thought she was just having a rough day and she just needed some help or something."

"God damn it." I walk back into the living room, "Sorry y'all, I gotta go."

"Loser!" I hear Sean call from the couch as I walk out the front door. I get back in my truck and drive to Madi's house.

I knock on her front door, Daniel answering after a few minutes. When he sees it's me he tries to close the door but I stick my foot in. He opens it a bit more, "Dude, you gotta go."

"I just need to talk to her."

"Hell no."

"C'mon, why not."

"I don't know. But what I do know, is that she came back from your house in tears and soaking wet."

"I know, I know. And I'm sorry."

"That's not gonna cut it. I'm not gonna let you near my sister anymore."

"Fuck. I just need to talk to her Daniel." I hear someone walking down the stairs but I can't see them.

"Who is it?" I hear her voice ask. I'm about to try and get in before Daniel steps outside and shuts the door behind him.

"Just leave."

"I'm not going until I talk to her."

"That's not happening."

"Dude, I'm telling you, get the hell off my lawn."

"I just need five minutes. That's all."

"Leave." He pushes me towards my truck.


"I swear to God. You aren't what she needs right now."

"And what is that?"

"Not you."


"Jesus, Dude, when will you understand that she can't love you."

I admit, I'm a bit taken a back by his comment. I was never expecting her to love me but something about that hurt, "I don't need her to love me. I just need her to be okay."

"Go home." I walk back towards my truck sitting next to the curb.

Someone opens the door and I just assume it's Daniel going back into the house before I hear a certain blondes voice, "What the fuck did you say to him, Daniel?"

I turn back around and see her scolding her brother. I wait for her to finish and she finally walks over to me. I pull her into a hug, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" She giggles.

I pull back and look at her face before sighing, "Are you high right now?"

She laughs again and pulls me back into a hug, "Out of my mind."

"Of course you are."

"What can I say, those four ibuprofen did wonders."


I pause for a second, and when I'm finally ready to say something she jumps in, "If you ask if I'm okay again I will murder you."

"Good thing I wasn't planning on it."

"Sure you weren't, asshole."

"Is this gonna happen every time we hang out? Fight and makeup?"

"Well, and probably make out."

"Ah, of course."

"I hope you realize that I can't do that whole relationship thing right now."

"I know."

"Is that okay?"

"Of course it is."

I'll just have to wait for you to be ready.

I figured I'd give you guys a good few chapters since I haven't posted in a while and I most likely won't post again anytime soon.

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