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Blakes POV

"What if, I didn't go to school today?" She asks, lying down beside me in her bed.

"You have to. Don't you have a test or something?"

"Perks of being a senior."

"But I'm a senior."

"Yeah, but we're two different kinds of seniors. You're doing full IB and I'm doing the bare minimum."

"What do you mean?"

"I've finished all of my credits, and my only required classes are history and Lit. And I'm just doing AP calc for fun."

"My definition of fun and your definition of fun are very different."

"Well, I have to take a math class and this was the pathway I've tortured myself with since ninth grade."

"I see."

"What made you want to take IB?"

"My parents. They wanted me to do it. Plus, it's probably best to not be a nitwit and actually have a career beyond hockey."

"Ok, I see you."

I chuckle and look over at her next to me. She always looks carefree. And not in a bad way, more so that she just focuses on what she thinks about herself. She's willing to have a good time. "You're going to school."

"I figured, Stickler." She rolls out of bed and walks over to her dresser in only her bra and underwear. She grabs a black long sleeve body suit and pulls it on. She shuffles through another drawer and eventually pulls out a pair of sweatpants. She slips them on and sits down on her floor by her floor-length mirror.

"What're you doing?"

She looks back and smiles her adorable smile, "I'm doing my makeup."

"Okay, but why're you on the floor?"

"'Cause it's easier?"


"I don't know. It just does." She turns back and pulls her hair into a messy bun before starting her makeup. I'm not sure why but it's so mesmerizing watching her do her routine.

She finally finishes and jumps back onto the bed, practically on top of me, "Jeez, are you trying to kill me or something?"

"Maybe. Maybe not. No one ever knows." She smiles and props her head up with her hands on my stomach, "Are you ever gonna get dressed?"

"Yeah, in a few minutes." She lays her head down and I let my own fall back. We lie there for about ten minutes before I decide it's finally time to get ready. I nudge her, and she climbs off and I grab my jeans and hoodie off of the ground, pulling them on. She's just lying down, scrolling on her phone, looking up when I start talking, "do you need me to give you a ride to school?"

"I normally don't get in until eleven. My first and second period teachers don't really care if I show up as long as I do the projects."

"Okay, I'll see you at school, then. Wanna go for lunch?"

"Um, yeah, sure."

"Great." I leave her house and somehow don't run into her parents - though they never seem to be here. I get into my car and drive home. Similar to Madi, I don't have a lot of classes, perks of IB. I have several free periods, including my first, second and third. I finally get back to my house and open the front door to my arts and crafts project sitting on the dining room table. I sit down at the table and facetime Kate.

She answers and happens to be next to Corinne, "Hey, what's up?"

"I need y'alls help."

"Can I ask with what?" Corinne asks skeptically.

"I'm making a poster."

"For what."

"Asking Madi to homecoming."

My answer gets a couple shrieks on the other side, "Okay, we'll be right over."

"Thanks." I hang up and scroll on my phone, waiting for them to show up. It only takes a few minutes until they open the door and walk in. I'm expecting Kate and Corinne, but who I'm not expecting is Lexi and some girl who I think her name is Tabs or something.


"Hey." Corinne says joyfully, immediately sitting down to my right, Kate on my left, and Madi's friends on the other side of the table.

"What're y'all doing here?" I ask, referring to the people across from me.

"Kate's dragging me along so I'm dragging Tabs along." Lexi answers for the two of them.

"Oh, that makes sense."

"So, what do you need?"

"I need help with a sign."

"No shit. What do you want it to say?"

"'Madi will you be my chick at hoco?' I'm taking her to chick fil a during lunch because she loves it so I figured it might be a good one."

"Oh." Kate says, besides me.

"What? Is it not good?" I look around, concerned.

"No, it's just generic."

"Is that bad?"

"Not always."

"Okay, in this case is it bad?"

"I mean-" Kate starts to say something.

"It's perfect." Corinne cuts in, "Where should we start?" We spend forty or so minutes working on the sign until it's finally finished. I look at it and it honestly looks really sloppy, but hopefully she'll appreciate it.


I drive her up to Chick fil a for lunch and buy her a deluxe sandwich, chicken nuggets, fries, and a chocolate shake. I personally get two deluxe sandwiches, a couple fries, the chicken strips and a Dr. Pepper. On the drive back, she won't stop drinking my soda but won't let me try any of her milkshake, which I find quite unfair. We finally get back to the school and I lead her towards the main hallway. Her friends intervene and take her away while I continue to walk up the hallway. Kate and Corinne helped get everyone together, including handing out the roses.

As passing period nears, everyone gets to either side of the hallway and I can see Madi look at me confused from the opposite end. I stand at the end and hold the sign I made for her. She walks down and people start handing the roses to her. Lexi is recording behind her, and Kate is recording next to me. She eventually gets to standing in front of me, Chick fil a bag in hand, and smiling at my sign.

"Will you be my date to homecoming?"

She laughs and nods, "Why the hell not." I pull her into a hug and the people start to clap. Eventually everyone disperses and I walk her to her next class.

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