Going on Dates?

16 1 0

Madi's POV

I wake up to my alarm blaring in my ear. Rolling around in my bed, I tap around to try and figure out where my phone is. I finally reach it and am able to stop the loud noise. I look in the mirror and see the mascara that I never took off last night smudged underneath my eyes. Sighing, before walking downstairs to try and find my parents. I find them sitting at the table, across from each other, laughing and having a good time. My mom notices me first, her eyebrows dropping in concern.

"You okay honey? You're not looking too good." Her words make my dad turn around as well, his face contorting with the same expression.

"I'm not feeling too good right now." I sniffle and rub my eyes.

"Do you need some medicine?" My mom asks, getting up from the table and walking over to me.

"Actually... um, ya, that would be great." She goes to the downstairs bathroom and comes back out with a bottle of ibuprofen. She hands me 2 pills, "thanks."

"Go upstairs and rest, you look like shit." She gently shoves me towards the stares.

"Love you too, Mom."

Blake's POV (There's a time jump switching POV's. So it's 4 o' clock here.)

I'm sitting in my truck, trying to get the day to pass by. Sipping on my Root Beer and eating some fries. I think I'm actually nervous for tonight. This girl is not only gorgeous, but she doesn't just do anything to get with me. She doesn't even want to go on this date with me. Yesterday we were snapping back and forth non stop, but now she's been MIA since last night. I have messaged her a couple of times today, asking about later tonight but my efforts were to no avail. 

My drink starts slurping and I realize that I've zoned out again. I put the cup into the cup holder, and take the car out of park. I fight to stay focused as I drive back home.

I figure she isn't the type of girl to want to have a big fancy dinner as a first date, so I simply plan on taking her roller skating. It's a low pressure activity and I think that's best for this particular situation. When I get home it's about 4:15, considering my house is on the other side of town. I try to get some school work out of the way, so I don't have to worry about that.

Once I finally finish it's time for me to start getting ready for our date. I throw on a clean pair of black sweats and a grey hoodie with our school logo on it before pulling on my baby blue Dunks. I head back downstairs, trying to ignore my parents bickering. Grabbing the keys that are dangling from the hook near the front door, I head outside to the parked truck. Luckily I've been to the couple of parties they've had over there so I know where they live.

15 minutes later (I hate writing driving scenes)

The doorbell rings as I stand in front of their front door. I nervously wait for someone to answer the door. Foot steps approach the other side before the door opens. And with just my luck, Daniel opens the door.

"Hey? I... wasn't expecting you." He looks confused, blocking the entrance to the house.

"Yeah, uh, I'm here for Madi." His face becomes neutral at my words.

"Didn't know that you two were going out."

"I'm sorry, I can go."

"No, you're not doing that, it'll hurt more if you stand her up." He opens the door more, inviting me inside, "C'mon."

"Thanks man."

He turns around, stopping me before I can go any farther, "If you hurt her though, I don't care if you're the next up and coming hockey star or some bullshit, you're done."

"Right. I won't hurt her, I promise."

"K, she's in her room, at the end of the hall."

"Got it." I head up the stairs and can immediately tell which one is her room. She has a leaf wreath hanging on her door, and a welcome mat in front of it. I walk to the end of the hall and knock on the door. There's a muffled 'Come in' from the other side, so I slowly open the door.

I walk in to see her curled up on her bed, blankets and a comforter burying her. She doesn't even make an effort to look up when I walk in, "Hey...."

Her head snaps towards me, then looks over to the clock by her bed. She scrambles out of bed, picking up clothes that are strewn all across her floor, "shit, I forgot you were coming over. Sorry, my rooms an utter mess."

"It's fine, you okay?" I ask, my hands stuffed in my pockets.

She pauses with clothes in her hand, finally looking me in the eyes. Her eyes are extremely red, and her face is puffy. All of her hair is in a messy bun stuffed under her head, pieces falling out all over the place. She gives me her best attempt at an assuring smile, "Yeah, I'm good, just not feeling too good. Don't worry, I'll be ready in a sec, just have to figure this out."

I contemplate asking the question that's been sitting with me ever since I got a good look at her. I decide it's for the best, "Are you.... Are you high?"


"You look a like you're high right now."

"Just a little." Is all she says before looking up from her cleaning, "I'm fine. Really."

"We don't have to go out tonight, or at all, if it's too much."

"No no, I am fine," She says with certainty, "What's the plan for tonight?"

"Well, now the plan is nothing, how about we just stay in and watch a movie or something. We could go pick up snacks."

She turns away before answering, "That does sound... kinda nice."

"Let's go?" I motion towards the door, letting her walk past and lead the way. As she gets to the bottom of the stairs, she goes to the right rather than heading towards the door. I follow behind her and notice she's heading to the living room.

Daniel's sitting on the couch, playing videogames. He looks up when he notices us standing beside the couch. 

"What's up?" He asks, pulling his headphones off one ear, looking between us and the TV.

Madi answers before I can, "we're going to the store, we'll be back soon."

"Seriously? Grocery store? That was the best date idea you could come up with?" He chuckles, focusing on the videogame.

She walks behind the couch and smacks him upside the head. She mutters under her breath, "jackass."

"You must've had some conversation up there if you're already protecting him."

"You can shut up, it was pure improvisation."

"Have fun!" Daniel calls out as we walk away.

"Fuck you!" She yells back, leading the way. I follow her out front and open the passenger side door to my truck. "Such a gentlemen." She jokes, climbing into the truck. I sarcastically bow at her before closing the door once she's in. I walk around the front of the truck and open my own door. She doesn't live too far away from one of the only grocery stores in this town.


Don't worry, I plan on doing a continuation of the date next chapter. I hope it'll be out tomorrow, but we'll see!

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