Pretty Boy

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Blake's POV

Someone's trying to shake me awake. My eyes flutter open to see a small body holding onto me, I look up to see Daniel waking me up.

"What's up?" I ask as I stretch, my voice coming out rough.

"You should probably get going, our parents are gonna get home in a couple minutes. And they most likely won't want to see this."

"Oh, shit, yeah. I wasn't really planning on falling asleep."

"I can tell." He continues to just stand over me.

I start to get up, "crap, I still need to clean this up." I start to grab the empty snack bags but Daniel puts his hand on my shoulder.

He turns me around and pushes me towards the door, "Go, I can clean it up."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, now get the hell out." I rush out of the house trying to get out before their parents get back. I unlock my truck as I walk over to it, climbing into the drivers seat. I pull out into the street and start driving towards the main road. As I'm waiting at the stop sign I see a car turn into the driveway.

It only takes me a few minutes to drive home. And once I get back I fall onto my bed, putting off homework that I know needs to get done. Hanging out with her was different than I thought it would be. Staring at her from afar made me think that she's some put together, perfect, happy girl, but there's obviously something more to her. I don't know what it is, but I definitely plan on sticking around to find out.

My phone starts buzzing in my pocket, snapping me out of my thoughts. When I check I see that it's Mason. I sigh before answering the phone.

"What's up." I ask as I put the phone to my ear.

"Hey, the team's thinking about having a little baseball game with the football team, what do you think?"

"Sounds like fun, when are you thinking?"

"So... we're actually thinking about sneaking onto the baseball field at school."


"Perhaps tonight?"

"Tonight? Seriously? How am I just founding out about this right now?"

"Well, we figured you should get your date out of the way before we told you."

"Why? It's not like it would change anything." I hear people talking in the background on Mason's side, "okay, who're you with?"

He pauses before answering, "Just Corrine."

"Just Corrine? It sounds like more than just Corrine."

"Okay, so maybe Jake, Sean, Kate, Ryan, Abigail, Connor, Archer, Henry, Dylan, Liam, Theo, Alex, and Noah are also over."

"So, you do realize you jumped from just Corrine to half the hockey team, right?"

"We're just figuring out some logistics for tonight."

"Just some logistics? Like what?"

"Why don't you come over?"

"And help you figure out some logistics?"


"Okay, I'm on my way."

I hang up the phone and get off my bed, walking out my front door. I head across the street to Mason's house. I open the familiar door, not waiting for Mason to come let me in. Loud laughing tells me that everyone's downstairs. The basement stairs are just to the right of the kitchen. I walk down and see everyone sitting on the couches, burger wrappers left on the coffee table. I take a seat, not waiting for anyone to greet me.

"So, what's the plan?" I ask, everyone starting to look at me.

Sean is the first one to answer, "we're going to all meet in the staff parking lot around 9:30, along with the football team. We're bringing pizza that we might end up sharing with the football team. And then we'll get the game started around 10:30."

Jake pipes in before anyone else can talk, "I hear, that the football team plans on bringing beer."

"Looks like it's all coming together." Ryan chuckles from the other side of the room.

"Quick question." I say once the laughter is over.

"Yeah?" A couple people ask.

"We're allowed to invite people to watch, right?"

"Ooh, sounds like someone's date went well." Mason teases me.

"Haha, just answer the question."

"Depends, who're you thinking of?" He continues to push.

"I might be thinking of inviting Madi."

"You do realize she's most likely going to be there, right?"


"Her brother... Daniel... He's on the football team...."

"Right, yeah, I knew that."

"Looks like someone's whipped."

"Okay, I should go. I have school work. You know. I'll see you all tonight." I get up to get going.

"See you later lover boy!" Someone - I'm pretty sure Jake - shouts as I go upstairs. I shake my head and chuckle while walking back to my house. I decide that I need to make one last phone call as I sit down on my bed.

The phone rings for a bit before she picks up, "what do you want." Madi asks, obviously annoyed.

"Well that's not a very nice way to greet your favorite person."

"Sorry, didn't realize this was Ryan."

"Ouch, you really have a way with words."

"Very poetic, I know. But seriously, why are you calling."

"I was just wondering if you're going to the baseball game tonight."

"Free beer and pizza? Hell yeah I'm going." She laughs before continuing, "obviously you don't know me very well if you think I'd pass that up."

"Obviously. You better cheer for the hockey team."

"Yikes, I'm not sure if I can do that."

"We'll see."

"Sure, pretty boy."

"Pretty boy?"

"My bad, forgot this wasn't Ryan."

"Haha, see you tonight?"

"See you tonight."

Sorry it's been so long, I've honestly just not had the motivation to write it, but I'm sick and have the time so I figured why not. I'll try to do better and upload more often. I should get the next chapter out this weekend at the latest.

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