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I look up on the ceiling and count the hours. After the visit Anathi made – I have never been the same again. I sigh getting off the bed. I need to start working out to release stress. My phone beeps. I looked at the text message and it's a WhatsApp group created. I forgot to put this on silence, ‘as I was told’. I feel like I have been added by mistake. I know none of these people. I exited the group and my phone rang immediately. It might be Sthembiso.  
"Why did you exit the group?" I look at the screen and I just know. I remember the voice from yesterday. I feel my body shiver at its worst. This man looks like the type that you do not mess with. No, he is that way. This is just getting too depressing each second.  
"We do not babysit. Ifice mfana!” He drops the phone. This man is very rude and arrogant. I hate people who make people's lives miserable. I need to start by running around the ground in my spare time and then try doing some push-ups. Who am I fooling? I have all the time in the world. This should be considered as my new hobby. The sun is out today, yet it's just morning. I am just throwing the nerve out of the window, and I feel like I am failing. The more I try to keep in check, the more I feel like the entire world is watching me.  
"Sthembiso has been released.” I heard the two inmates say. Released how and when? Which Sthembiso? I ask myself. I stand beside them, pretending to mind my business.  
"Rumor has it that he paid the judge to be released. That man was here for fraud, and he is very good at it.” Another says. My eyes bawl out. Come to think of it. I never really got to know why Sthembiso was arrested in the first place. I need all the information I can get.  
"That man has all the money in the world.” The conversations between the two is still going. They notice me ease dropping, and they decide to move. I think I might have a glimpse of what I am dealing with here. But my question is – on what conditions has he been released on? This is confusing. I chuck and take a deep breath, shaking my head. I begin with my rounds. Hopefully, I will be fit enough to maybe do twenty of them. It’s been a long time since one stayed in action.  




I feel like I am getting a lot of visitors in one week. My life is becoming a roller-coaster, honestly.  
"Did the person say who he is?” I asked the warden. At the back of my head, I am only thinking about two people. Sthembiso or Anathi.  
"It's them." He opens the gate and steps aside, letting me out. Now, I am more curious about who it is. I hope my father did not come with the entire family member. And to my surprise – I do not know all these men in sight. There is even a white man. My eyes are glued to him.  He sides smiles. I swallow hard. I grab the chair and then sit down looking anxious, but I try so hard to hide the fear that is in me.  
"We meet again." He finally speaks. I tried to recall where the hell I had seen him. But everything is just a blur.  
"I have never met you before.” I say, defending myself. He smiles and pushes a picture forward. I take the picture and look at it, and I feel my stomach shrink coldly. This was years back. How the hell...
"Where did you get this?” I ask, breathing heavily. He smiles and looks at Anathi, who is minding his own business. He is so glued to his phone.  
"We heard you are the best hacker in town. Having you on board will be good for our business. We have a lot of work to do.”
I am still confused. I have no business with them. Hell, I am not an experienced hacker!
"What business? You must have mistaken me for someone else." I say.  
He chucks and shakes his head.  
"You see. This is where you had it all wrong, mfana. Who cleaned after all the messes you made?”
"Do not interrupt me boy when I am talking. Now listen here and you will listen very carefully. You will be on board, and you will do exactly what we tell you to do. We want you to hack this company for us. In fact, I want to know all the ins and outs of it. There is a viable asset that they hold, which is worth millions. I will sneak in a laptop, and don't worry. Some guards here are on our payroll. You stick to what we want, and we shall work just fine. I will give you twenty-four hours max to investigate it.” I sigh in defeat.  
“The name is Romeo, by the way.” He stands up and puts his shades on. The rest of them stand up, too. I know Anathi and Sthembiso – then the guy who has introduced himself as Romeo. I wait for the rest of them to be introduced – but they just walk out. These men are creepy as hell. I let out a shaky breath right after they disappeared out of sight. My life is being dictated now. All of this started when I was standing there watching them doing all the shit. I never got to see their faces as they were wearing full balaclavas. Only their eyes were showing. I was there at the scene, unfortunately at the wrong time. I don't know why I tried to have access to the footage. Maybe I wanted to see their faces. I deleted the footage after, and somehow, I deleted the entire crypt that links to the evidence of the police getting hold of. I rub my face in frustration. This was not meant to happen at all. Now, I am burning in the crossfire.  
“Are you okay?” Nhlamvini asks, settling next to me.
“Nothing I can't handle.” I say, taking a deep breath. I don't think I will ever handle this. This is too much to handle all at once. My life has taken a drastic turn in a short period of time. I take another long, deep breath. I am frustrated and heartbroken. I need to call my girlfriend. Just hearing her voice will calm me. That I know.  
“I will give you space.” I am thankful that he is giving me space. He read my energy, and I am grateful for that. I lay on my back and decided to give Zama a call. Luckily, she picks up on her fist ring. I smile.  
“Let me guess. You are playing candy crush.” I say and chuck. This has been her obsession lately. Not that I am complaining.  
She laughs. Her voice is so loud yet calm. “How did you know?”  
“You seem to forget; I notice every little thing that you do. I even know your breaking point time.” I say.  
“Huh? What does that mean?” She asks.
“I know your emotional time scale, Mama. How dumb can you be?” I ask. The next thing I hear is her laugh bursting through the phone speaker. Her laughter transposes bit by bit. I know she is about to cry. And indeed, her laughter turns into a bitter cry. I sigh and smile. Is this what pregnant women go through? I thank the heavens that my ancestor made me a male. The emotions – I wouldn't have managed to handle.  
“Babe. You are hurting my feelings right now.” I say, making her cry even more. I decided to let her be. She cries and eventually calms down.  
“Are you okay now. Are you good?” I ask.  
“Yes.” She responds through the hiccups. “I’m hungry.”
“Then go make food.” Haibo! What utter craziness is this? I am shocked.  
“My father is around.” She whispers. I read in between the lines. Zama keeps on depressing me every moment. I know it’s because of pregnancy.  
“Ngizofa ngimncane lah.” I say outloud. “I will order in for you.” I dropped the call. If I continue talking to her, she will cry all over again. Now, I must start asking for favors from the ink man. I pushed my pride aside and gave him a call.  
I wish I could cut his useless balls off.  
“I need your help.” I am at my lowest. Ngincenga amanye amadoda manje. The things we do for our woman at times. I find myself shaking my head.  
“Yini? Sebeyakudla njalo?” I feel like throwing up. I know it’s what they do in here daily. No matter how horny I could get – I will never look at another man in that way.  
“No. I want someone to send my girlfriend some cravings. She is hungry.” I close my eyes and listen to the silence.
“Send the list.” He drops. I sigh out of relief and send him a text message with all the things that I know she loves. I include the address too. I continue to lay on my back and try to get some sleep of which I know it will not come anytime soon.  




My mother is calling me somewhere in the house. I have locked myself in my room after hearing that my father is home today. I have been starving since. I am afraid to leave this bedroom. I had a packet of chips and some water this morning. My stomach is painful as we speak. I tip toe along the passage, praying that I do not bump into my father, and thankfully, he is not in sight.
“Are you honestly going to starve the baby?” My mother startles me with an intense gaze. I feel my body shrinking immediately. She shakes her head in disappointment.  
“You have a delivery.” She continues washing the dishes. I look at the door and some guy wearing uniform with a scooter holding paper bags from McDonalds and some drinks on the side. A wide smile spreads across my face. Mthoko will be the death of me. I am loving my life right now. No, I love this second. I accept my food and rush to my bedroom. I hear my mother's voice screaming my name, but my ears are deaf and dumb. I tear the paper bag, and the food is out in the open. The burger and chips are appetizing. I think I am divorcing KFC for the time being. Now this, this is what I call a feast. I am enjoying the moment stuffing myself when mum walks in. I look up to find her looking at me. I swallow the burger and burp shamefully.  
“Do we starve you in this house that you had to beg for food from online stores?”
“Do not Ma me! You keep disappointing me every second you get. Ay maan Zama! I am too old for this.” She comes forward. Not me holding my face thinking I will get the hiding of my life. The woman takes the whole packet of chips and walks out, still shouting and cursing. She is even running out of breath. I thank Mthoko for ordering two of those. For now, I do not have the energy for her. My focus is on this food.

I must have passed out after eating. It was quite a lot. But I was hungry. My stomach is growling once more. Again, the situation of not going to the kitchen to make some food, I am so afraid. The room is dark. I hear some drums playing in the house. Mum must be bored. My father hates anything that to do with noise. I am sure he is not around. I slowly get out of bed and follow the sound. It seems to be getting closer with each step I take. My mother is not around. The house is empty and very clean. They must be asleep. I want to check their bedroom, but something is still holding me still. The sound of the drums stops. But they start again. I hold my ears and begin to run. The smell of the sea is calling me. I can hear the waves - the sound is smooth and soft to the ears. Calming all of me. I run until I am out of breath. I see an old man wearing all white standing from a distance holding a stick.  
“Mkhulu.” Inside of me, I am screaming for joy, but the atmosphere is calm and refreshing. It demands respect.  
“Mgabadeli.” He bows his head in respect and briefly smiles. He looks younger than the last time. He leads me to a hut. A hut that is a few meters away from the sea. A hut that is filled with smoke. The drums begin to roll again and see some two old women seated on the reed mat with their heads bowed down.  I am instructed to sit down and not say a word. Something about this hut brings me a sense of inner peace. He lights the incest and begins to speak.  
Owagabadela izinkundla zwakwaBulawayo,
Gadlela, Dwala,
Mpembe, Mhlophe,
Vezi, Dladla,
Mhlophe, Nyazitha,
Magalel’agoqe njengeshongololo!
Nangu umntwana wenu usefikile. Sikhombiseni indlela.”  
The room becomes dark, with more smoke filling in. Instead of being scared, I am relaxed. My inner self is at peace. Something falls roughly on the ground. It’s hard to see cause it’s white. The smoke is blinding the air.  After some time. The smoke clears, and everything becomes clear. Next to me was a crystal ball. I take it and look at it. It’s like I am watching myself before and after life. I am confused.  
“Is this not me?” I ask my grandpa. He smiles and shakes his head.  
“Dlala did a bad thing from keeping this secret away from you.” He says, making me confused.  
“What secret?” I ask. He sighs and sits next to me. The two old women haven't lifted their heads since I came in here. I wonder who they are and if they live here.  
“These are your great-grandmothers who will guide you in this journey. The crystal you are holding is the ball of life. I have passed on my gift to you like my father did to me when he passed on. With this crystal of life – I want you to heal the unhealable. With the prayer invested in this crystal, it’s very powerful and dangerous. When you speak, it listens. It may look just a mere Christmas crystal ball, but it contains a lot of authority.” He explains, but still I am confused.  
“What do you mean?” My ears are buzzing.  
“What I'm saying is. The time is now. The drums lead you to a place where you need to be in the first place. You are here for the initiation. To heal the land of God. With this power, I invest in you. You shall be strong and pure. The Journey of Zama Dlala has begun.” With that said, he stands up and leaves me still seated. I look at the crystal, and I see my past life. It’s like I am having flashbacks of my old life. I take a deep breath and look at the two women setting opposite me. What journey am I about to embark.  

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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