Chapter 14: Thank you

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'How will we do anything if you don't take off your clothes'' He said. He leaned closer to her.

''Now take off your clothes''. He uttered his voice a bit stern.

'' Sir..I can't'' She said.

''Do you want me to help you?''. He said, reaching for her dress.

''Please don't touch me''. She pushed him lightly.

''Listen girlie, I have been patient with you for far too long. Not anymore''. He grabbed the hem of her dress in attempt to roll it up.

''STOP!!''.She yelled, pushing him away forcefully, which caused him to fall to the ground she quickly ran towards the door. She turned the knob but the door didn't open, then she realised it was locked. As she reached for the lock, she felt someone pull her hair from behind. It was Mr Lloyd, he was back on his feet and he pulled her hair with so much force and pushed her on the bed.

She was lying on the bed, holding her head in pain, not noticing Mr Lloyd unzipping his trousers. He climbed on the bed, straddling her and her heartbeat accelerated out of fear.

''Please sir, I told you I wanted to do this only for my grandma's sake''. She pleaded.

''Yes, so why are you being difficult? Don't you want your grandma to get better? Are you that selfish?''. He said.

Valerie didn't know what to say, she knew this man didn't have good intentions but what he said made her feel weird. Was she being selfish? She had made up her mind to do it so why it was so difficult now.

He suddenly pushed her hands down and leaned in on her, nibbling her neck. It felt so disgusting, he smelt terrible. She thought she'd find another way, she couldn't do this. But her grandma didn't have much time, she had to do it. She shut her eyes close and pressed her lips tight; she had to tolerate this for Jade's sake.

The man caressed her legs, up to her thighs. His hand was moving to reach the under of her dress and as soon as it did, she kicked him the groin.

He let go of her, his hands on his groin as he groaned in pain. She climbed off the bed and ran for the door again but he was quite fast and he threw a vase at her. The vase hit her leg and she fell with a loud thud.

''You think you can escape me? I'll show you''. He said, trying to undress her. Valerie screamed as she struggled with the man. He tried to cover her mouth but she bit him and screamed again.

It was a big struggle, Mr Lloyd wasn't going to let her go and she didn't want to get down with him. Then suddenly, the door swung open and Mr Lloyd paused.

''Who..''. Before he could complete his sentence, he was flung to the other side of the room. Valerie didn't have time to process anything, she stood up and ran to a corner, and she felt so terrible. She didn't see Kyle break the man's bones and strangle him to death. All she saw was Mr Lloyd' dead body after it fell to the ground.

Kyle put a call to someone. ''Come to the hotel quickly''. He said then hung up. He turned to the terrified squeaky mouse at the corner. The only thing was that she wasn't squeaking this time.

''You're safe now''. He said, but she didn't say anything, she just sat there looking dishevelled. He took her original clothes which were lying on the ground due to the struggle.

''Change and follow me''. He handed her the clothes and she silently took it from him and went to the washroom.

Few minutes later, Kay arrived at the scene. As soon as he spotted the dead body on the floor, he face palmed himself.

''What happened this time'' He said.

''Nothing, just get rid of him''. Kyle said.

''Of course, but I'm still curious about what happened...''.

Valerie came out of the washroom in her initial clothes. She had washed her face and arranged her hair, she looked better now. She recognized the other man standing with Kyle; she had met him when she first met Kyle. They both seemed powerful but he seemed warmer.

''It's you again, what are you doing here? Is my brother bothering you'' He smiled.

''Uhm no''. She said.

''Let's leave''. Kyle told her and looked at Kay signaling him to take care of the situation and Kay nodded.

When they were outside Kyle spoke

''Why did you want to do something you couldn't?''. He raised brow.

''I needed the money''. She stated.

''So you result to this?''.

''My grandma is really sick and she needs surgery. I didn't have time to raise the money. I didn't have any other option. But when that man began to touch me, I couldn't do it''. She explained and Kyle didn't say anything for a while.

''So what now'' He said.

''I don't know, I guess I'll raise it somehow''. She said.

''How did you know I was in that room, and how did you save me''. She suddenly asked.

''When you bumped into me earlier and I saw you in that dress, I noticed how uneasy and uncomfortable you were, so I followed you. I saw you go into that room and then I saw the oldie peak outside in a very strange way as though he was going to do something bad so I decided to stick around.

Everything seemed fine for a while but then I heard some noises. At first I thought you two were just having a good time and wanted to leave, but then I heard you scream so I kicked the door open and did the needful''. He said.

''Thank you'' She said calmly, and looked at her. He felt something warm in his chest, the way she thanked him. She didn't thank him for signing a contract or closing a deal like most people did. She thanked him genuinely and he couldn't explain what he felt.

''You're not as bad as I thought''. She added.

''Don't get any ideas squeaky mouse''. He said before walking to his car. He opened the door for her.

''Get in; I'll drop you off at home. It's late and unsafe for you to go home now''. He said simply.


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