Chapter 1: The last straw

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"I can't find it, darn!". Valerie cursed as she searched through her drawer, she wore an annoyed expression on her face as she opened her drawers one by one. She already began to perspire, she looked at the wall clock, it was already 9:39am she would be late for college, Not again!!!.

"phew! Finally", she sighed in relief as she brought out a small blue purse from one of her drawers, it was the purse she usually kept her money in when she was going out.

She looked at the clock again, it was 9:45 now, she had a class by 10:00 and the lecturer was very strict. She hurriedly fixed her hair which was now a bit messed up from looking for her purse. Her silky blonde hair was tied in a messy bun, she also fixed her clothes a bit, she was wearing a white T-shirt with a pair of denim pants.

She hurriedly grabbed her bag from the bed and went to the kitchen where Jade was preparing breakfast.

"Good morning grand ma!". She kissed Jade's cheek.

"Good morning mi vida". Jade flashed her warm smile.

Jade began serving the food at the dining -table.

"Have your breakfast dear". She told Valerie. Valerie looked at her watch, she was running really late, she wouldn't be able to have breakfast.

"I'm sorry grandma, I won't be able to have breakfast, I'm already late for school". She smiled to her grandma apologetically.

"You always do this Val". Jade pursed her lips.

"Should I pack the food for you?". Jade asked

"No no no, I can't wait for that. I'll eat it when I get back, bye grandma!!". Valerie hugged her grand ma before running to school.

She quickly boarded a taxi, it was already 9:51 and it would take about 15minutes to get to school. Mr Brown was going to kill her he was such a strict lecturer and hated late comers. He would surely punish her, this was the third time she was attending his class late this week and that was the last straw.

The taxi stopped in front of her school 'Bright star college'. It was a very expensive college, and filled with so many rich students, Valerie only got admission here through scholarship, this was the biggest college here in Oregon.

She alighted from the taxi after paying the driving, she walked through the gate.

"Good morning!!". She greeted the security guards at the gate and they nodded at her.

A few students were roaming around the premises while some where chatting as they headed to their class and otherwise, she couldn't find anyone from her department outside, not like she knew them all, they were probably in class. Yikes Mr Brown.

She strolled through the corridors with her backpack hung on her right shoulder as she hugged her books , she arrived at the classroom, the door was close, class had already started.

She could hear Mr Brown's voice from the inside, she looked at her watch, it was already 10:11. Taking a deep breath she reached for the door knob and turned it.

The door opened with a small creak and she walked into the classroom which suddenly got quiet as she walked in.

"Good morning sir, sorry I'm late". She kowtowed before turning away to approach her seat when she heard Mr Brown say.

"Ms Grayson, late again.". He scowled at her.

She halted in her steps and turned to face him.

"I'm sorry sir, it won't happen again". She apologized

"That's what you always say".

"Don't worry sir, it won't happen again, for real this time".

"Class, what happens to late comers?" He turned to face the class.

"They get punished". The class echoed and Valerie sighed.

Then Mr Brown turned to her.

"Look young lady, I have already pardoned you twice this week and that's...".

"The last straw". She said, completing the sentence.

"Good now have your seat, and don't forget to meet me after class for your punishment". He turned away from her and continued his lectures.

Unlike other lecturers, Mr Brown had a big problem with late coming who knows what punishment he was going to give her, thank God she was in her final year. This school was so strict, it was a private college after all, it had many rules to make sure the students were organized.

Valerie sat on her seat which was in between Natasha and Simone, her two best friends.

"Late again". Natasha said in a whisper so Mr Brown did not hear her speak, but she was audible enough for Simone and Valerie to hear her. Simone chuckled, while Valerie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest after placing her books on the desk.

After class, the trio headed to the cafeteria to have lunch, after grabbing their trays of food they stride to an empty table and sat down.

"Ugh I hate onions". Simone complained about the meal, it was white rice with air fried chicken garnished with peas, bell peppers and onions.

Simone was the finicky and affluent one among them, but she was not as sassy as the other rich girls like Emily and Tiffany who were so full of themselves and the brats of the school.

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