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Seokmin took in the sight in front of him. It was 8pm on the dot and he watched as the moonlight shone on the building, gratifying the sinful deeds unseen by many.

Seokmin's eyes burned with anticipation as he lit another cigarette, placing it in his mouth. He could only wonder why his father had requested him and what was so dire that he had to beckon to his wishes on a random Saturday.

He walked up the steps leading to the entrance and as he stepped in, all eyes turned to him, lured in by his dominant presence.

Seokmin scanned the building that had certainly changed in the past 4 years. Memories rushed to him like waves during a tide and suddenly, Seokmin was ready for his next mission.

His blood was hot with expectation and his soul was hungry for blood, like a demon.

"Seokmin-ah! You're here!" The recognizable tone engaged Seokmin who looked up as the familiar faces of Parker and Henley clouded his sight.

Twins Parker and Henley were Seokmin's father's right hand men. Back in the day, they were the ones who helped Seokmin when he went on his missions, which he always manged to accomplish.

Around the same age as Seokmin, they were hired 5 years ago after Mr. Lee's former right hand man passed away in a terrible 'accident'.

"I haven't seen you two in so long, you'd think I'd get a friendlier welcome." Seokmin looked around, the lack of 'welcome back' decorations baffled him.

"Sorry, next time, but your father needs you in his office, right now." Henley pointed to the elevator before adding, "4th floor, door at the end of the hallway."

Seokmin nodded in response before walking away and into the elevator. He pressed on the button labeled 4 and as the doors closed, he realized the walls of the elevator were completely gold.

So this was what his father had decided to use his money for? Upgrading this building that was struggling to stand with the abundance of secrets it had to hide.

The elevator stopped and opened up and Seokmin scoffed as he got out of it. The floor was marble, the walls were just as golden as the inside of the elevator and there was only one door on the entire floor.

The door to his father's office.

Guards surrounded the floor, dressed in suits with guns strapped to their thighs. Seokmin chuckled. His father was surely a character.

𝑯𝑶𝑳𝑫𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑮𝑼𝑵 ♡︱seoksooWhere stories live. Discover now