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It hadn't crossed Seokmin's mind before that to be Joshua' secretary, he actually had to be Joshua's secretary, which meant dozens of files and contracts and agreements he had to oversee.

So far, he already hated the job and he hadn't even attended his first day. Joshua's right hand man, Vernon, had given him these on his way out to test how meticulous he was.

Seokmin refused to be humiliated so he finished all his work before going to bed.

As he laid on the bed, he stared at the ceiling, various thoughts clouding his mind. He wondered if it was the right choice to come back to the States. If he was still going to be human by the time he finished this mission.

His phone rang distracting him from his thoughts and he rolled over, pulling the phone towards him.

The name PARKER washed over the screen and Seokmin rolled his eyes, letting out an overdue groan. He answered the call, placing the phone on his ear.

"What?" He questioned as he put the phone by his ear and he heard Parker chuckle on the other side of the call. "How was your interview?"

Seokmin rolled unto his back, replying, "Fine, I guess... I got hired so must've gone well."

"Just wanted to ask if you're okay, I'm always here you know, bros for life!" Parker chanted and Seokmin chuckled before repeating, "Bros for life."

The call ended and Seokmin sat up, plugging in his phone beside his bed. He laid back down, this time ready to sleep as the waves of tiredness overtook him.

His eyes closed shut and the thoughts dispersed in his mind. Leaving only a long day of work ahead.


Seokmin got up in the morning, thanks to his alarm and groaned as he rolled off the bed, his cheek hitting the carpet as he fell.

After a few minutes, Seokmin stood up and dusted himself off before getting ready for his first official day of work. The goal was to get close to Joshua, so close that he would be able to influence Joshua's decisions thereby making the assassination a much easier job.

Maybe he could even get Joshua to fall in love with him. Seokmin didn't know what love was, he'd never experienced any of it but he figured Joshua would know since he got divorced a few years back.

If Seokmin could find his way into Joshua's heart, maybe, just maybe, Joshua wouldn't feel the knife going into his back.

Seokmin tugged at the sleeves of his suit and then adjusted his tie as he stared at his reflection. He put on the jacket and with one last tug at his tie, he grabbed his briefcase and left the apartment.

His father had not given him a car here, meaning he had to either walk or take the bus and neither of those options were what Seokmin preferred but it didn't matter.

𝑯𝑶𝑳𝑫𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑮𝑼𝑵 ♡︱seoksooWhere stories live. Discover now