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It was Seokmin's second day and he'd finished making arrangements with Henley. What was left was to watch it all play out.

Seokmin walked into the office on the 5th floor and was met by Vernon who stood at the door, lifeless with no soul beneath his eyes.

"The Boss wants to see you, you start with him today." Vernon led Seokmin out of the office and as he processed the words, he realized what Vernon meant.

"Wait... no more mentorship?" He asked as Vernon gently pushed him into the elevator, and gave him the key card. "Yep." Vernon replied before walking away.

Seokmin didn't necessarily feel guilty but he'd just planned a cool scenario for nothing. Now he was going to beat some stunt actors up and get no reward for it.

He had to cancel the plan.

As he got into Joshua's office, he knocked on the door that led into his actual office, which Seokmin still found pretty stupid. What a waste of architecture.

The door swung open and in front of it was Joshua, except he looked different. His black hair had been slicked back behind his ears and his doe eyes were now down turned, the life completely sucked out of them.

His body was lean as usual but the slender black suit complemented his features and his muscles, which had only come into Seokmin's view now, struggled to contain themselves in the sleeves of the jacket.

"If you're going to gape, come inside, my AC's escaping." Joshua dragged Seokmin in, closing the door behind the man. "I wasn't gaping, you just look dehydrated." Seokmin explained as he recollected himself.

"I probably am." Joshua replied, walking towards his seat. His voice was a lot raspier and deeper as well. Seokmin wasn't a doctor but Joshua resembled someone who hadn't gotten even a wink of sleep last night.

"Are you okay?" Seokmin asked, not sure if he was feigning curiousity or if he was actually curious. Joshua cocked his head back, his body rubbed against the chair as an almost inaudible moan escaped his lips.

Seokmin's face reddened in an instant, even though he didn't notice it.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" Seokmin covered his eyes but what followed was a chuckle from Joshua. He didn't realise that Joshua was a human who also laughed. He'd pinned Joshua as a strange specie years ago.

"Stop watching porn, Dokyeom-ssi, I was straightening my back." Joshua's tone was assertive and it disintegrated all of Seokmin's rational thoughts leaving him speechless.

𝑯𝑶𝑳𝑫𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑮𝑼𝑵 ♡︱seoksooWhere stories live. Discover now