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It had been a week since Joshua and Seokmin had returned from London and while it was a healing experience, it was also a trip that made them both come to their senses.

Since the day Seokmin told Joshua that he couldn't stop protecting him, they hadn't engaged in a proper conversation.

Most likely because their feelings were bubbling up to their surface and neither of them could do anything to stop it other than avoid each other.

Seokmin had taken a week off work because of his injury but today was the day he would return.

"Do you really need to continue working for him? Look at what happened to you because of him! If I were you, I would've just let him die, wait! Why didn't you just let him die?" Parker's voice crackled as it passed through the speaker.

Seokmin froze, his hands on his tie as he stood speechless. How could he tell Parker he recently realized that he could never just let Joshua die?

"Hello! Seokmin!" Parker yelled and Seokmin broke out of his thoughts, picking up his phone. "I have to go Parks, bye." He ended the call, pressing the red button before putting the phone into his pocket.

He hadn't talked to Joshua properly in almost 2 weeks. He didn't know how he was going to face him and be able to keep himself composed.

The thoughts he'd been having were far from that.

He had to stop himself from going any further. He needed to go back to the roots, the plan, what he came to Korea to do, even if he didn't want to.


Seokmin reached the company soon after, going up to Joshua's office and entering the room. "Dokyeom, nice to see you after a while!" Allison waved her hands and Seokmin waved back.

"He's in there, been waiting for you I think." Allison informed Seokmin who hid his surprise. Joshua had been waiting for him?

Seokmin knocked on the door but after receiving no response, he opened it anyway and stepped inside.

"Hey." Joshua waved slightly before sitting down. "Hey." Seokmin replied, the air thick and clouded by awkwardness.

"Are you feeling better now?" Joshua questioned as his eyes fell to Seokmin's stomach where he had been shot.

Seokmin nodded, moving closer to the desk. "Yeah, think I needed the one week off." He folded his arms as he sat down. Joshua agreed with a nod and the two sat in loud silence.

𝑯𝑶𝑳𝑫𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑮𝑼𝑵 ♡︱seoksooWhere stories live. Discover now