Chapter Six: The Elf in the Mist

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The forest grew denser as they ventured deeper into Astoria, the trees taller and the paths less clear. The air was thick with magic, humming faintly beneath the surface, and Florence could feel it pulsing in his veins, like the land itself was alive and watching.

It was on the sixth day that they met him.

They were crossing through a narrow valley, shrouded in mist, when a figure appeared on the path ahead. He stood tall, his skin dark like polished ebony, his eyes sharp and intelligent. His hair, long and braided, fell over his shoulders, and the air around him seemed to crackle with power.

Florence's breath caught in his throat. There was something otherworldly about this man, something both beautiful and dangerous.

Andre stopped in his tracks, his eyes narrowing. "An elf."

The man's lips curved into a faint smile, though it didn't reach his eyes. "I am Johmarrian," he said, his voice smooth and commanding. "And you are trespassing in lands that do not belong to you."

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