Chapter One: The Stranger in the Forest

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Florence wandered for what felt like hours, though the concept of time seemed slippery here. The forest stretched on endlessly, with trees towering above him, their leaves shimmering as if made of liquid silver. The air was warm but crisp, and there was a quiet hum all around him, like the earth itself was alive, breathing slowly.

He had no idea where he was or how he had gotten here. Was this some dream? A hallucination? Every logical part of his brain screamed for answers, but his heart told him otherwise. This place felt too real, too visceral to be a figment of his imagination. The cool wind against his skin, the earthy scent of moss and flowers—it was too much.

The path before him was narrow, winding deeper into the woods. He followed it, more out of necessity than curiosity. He needed to find someone, anyone, who could tell him what this place was, how to get home. Home. The thought seemed strange now, distant, like it belonged to someone else. As if that old life no longer fit him.

After some time, the trees began to thin, revealing a clearing bathed in the soft glow of an unfamiliar sun. And there, standing in the center of the meadow, was a figure—a man.

Florence's heart skipped a beat.

The stranger stood tall, his back turned, dressed in simple yet elegant clothes that seemed to belong to another era. His long, dark hair caught the light, shimmering like the trees around him. He was motionless, as though waiting for something. Or someone.

"Hello?" Florence called, his voice trembling slightly. He wasn't sure what he expected—maybe for the man to vanish like a mirage, or for this whole dream to dissolve into reality.

But the figure didn't disappear. Instead, he turned.

Florence's breath caught in his throat.

The man's eyes—dark and deep—met his, and for a moment, the world around them seemed to fade. There was something about his gaze, something so intense and consuming, that Florence felt exposed, as if the stranger could see right through him, past his fears, past his confusion, into the very core of who he was.

"Are you lost?" the man asked, his voice calm, almost soothing.

Florence blinked, struggling to find his voice. "I... I don't know where I am," he admitted, feeling foolish. How could he explain something he didn't understand himself?

The man smiled softly, his expression gentle. "You're far from home, that's for sure," he said, taking a step closer. "But you're not the first to find yourself in this place."

Florence's confusion deepened. "Where am I?"

"This is Astoria," the man replied, his tone matter-of-fact, as if the name should mean something to Florence. "A world between worlds."

"Astoria," Florence repeated, tasting the name on his lips. It sounded both foreign and familiar, like something out of a forgotten dream.

"I'm Andre," the man added, extending a hand.

Florence hesitated, then took it. Andre's grip was firm, his skin warm against Florence's. For a brief moment, the touch lingered, sending an unexpected warmth through Florence's body.

"I'm Florence," he said, his voice quieter than he intended.

Andre's eyes held his for a moment longer, and Florence felt the pull—an unspoken connection that startled him. He had just met this man, yet something about him was disarming. Comfortable.

"You're not the only one who's ever felt lost," Andre said, breaking the silence. "But perhaps, in Astoria, you'll find what you're looking for."

Florence didn't know what that meant, but a part of him, deep down, hoped it was true. He felt drawn to Andre, in a way that went beyond curiosity. There was something magnetic about him, something that made Florence's heart race and his mind spin with thoughts he couldn't quite grasp.

Andre smiled again, softer this time. "Come with me. There's a place you can rest, and we can figure out what brought you here."

Florence nodded, feeling an odd sense of trust. He followed Andre, his heart pounding with each step. The world around them seemed to grow quieter, the hum of the forest fading as the two men walked side by side.

In that moment, Florence realized something strange: he didn't feel so lost anymore.

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