Chapter Fifteen: The Hunter's Curse

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As the storm raged on and the creatures circled closer once more, the sound of heavy footsteps echoed through the forest. A figure emerged from the shadows, clad in dark armor that seemed to absorb the light around him. His eyes were cold and calculating, his face obscured by a helmet carved with ancient runes.

"I see I've arrived just in time."

Morganna's expression soured at the sight of him. "Ah, the Hunter. I wondered when you'd show your face."

The man—tall, imposing, and radiating an aura of menace—stepped forward, his gaze locking onto Florence. "The boy belongs to me. The storm... it is my curse to bear."

Florence's heart skipped a beat. Who is this man? And what did he mean by his curse?

Before he could ask, the Hunter raised his hand, and the ground beneath Florence's feet began to shift, dark tendrils of magic wrapping around his legs, pulling him down into the earth.

"Florence!" Andre shouted, rushing to his side, but the tendrils were too strong.

Morganna watched with a smirk. "It seems your destiny is catching up to you, Florence."

And as Florence felt himself being pulled deeper into the earth, the storm above him growing wilder and more chaotic, he realized one thing with terrifying clarity:

There was no escaping his fate.

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