Chapter Twenty-Three: The Eye of the Storm

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The storm roared to life, not with rage, but with purpose. Lightning crackled in the sky, swirling around Florence like a protective barrier. He could feel its energy—wild, untamed, but now under his control.

Andre and Johmarrian stood back, their eyes wide with awe and fear, while the members of the Order watched in silence, their expressions unreadable.

Florence stepped forward, his gaze locked on the tear in the sky. The Shattered One growled, its twisted form shifting and writhing as it sensed the change in Florence's magic.

"You cannot stop the Void," it snarled, its voice like thunder. "It is inevitable."

But Florence didn't flinch. He could feel the storm inside him—no longer a chaotic force, but a powerful, controlled current. He had made his choice. He was no longer afraid.

"I won't let you destroy Astoria," he said, his voice steady.

The Shattered One hissed, its dark tendrils lashing out toward Florence, but before they could reach him, the storm surged forward, intercepting the attack. Lightning arced through the air, striking the creature with a deafening crack.

The ground shook beneath their feet, and the tear in the sky flickered, the dark energy within it pulsing wildly.

Florence raised his hands, and the storm obeyed, swirling around the tear, closing in on the edges of the Void's entrance. He could feel the magic pulling at him, trying to drag him down into the abyss, but he held firm.

"You are not alone, Florence," the woman from the Order called out, her voice rising above the chaos. "Remember that."

Florence nodded, the storm inside him growing stronger with each passing moment. He could feel the pull of the Void, but he could also feel the power of Astoria—the heart of the world—guiding him.

He wasn't alone.

With a final surge of energy, he directed the storm toward the tear, pushing it back, sealing the edges of the dark wound in the sky. The Shattered One howled in fury, its form warping and twisting as the storm closed in on it.

But just as Florence thought he had the upper hand, something shifted.

The tear in the sky flickered, and for a brief moment, Florence felt a presence—a dark, overwhelming force, more powerful than anything he had ever encountered.

And then, the storm faltered.

Florence's eyes widened in shock as the Void surged forward, overwhelming the storm, breaking through his control.

"No!" he cried, his heart pounding in terror.

But it was too late.

The Void had broken free.

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