Chapter Fourteen: Awakening

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The battle fell into a momentary lull, the creatures retreating as if waiting for their next command. Florence stood at the center of it all, the book in his hands glowing like a beacon in the dark.

Morganna's smile returned, though it was more predatory now. "So, you've finally awakened."

Andre moved closer to Florence, his eyes filled with concern. "Florence, what's happening?"

"I don't... I don't know," Florence whispered, his voice trembling. He could feel the power coursing through him, but he had no control over it. It was like holding onto a live wire—dangerous, uncontrollable.

Johmarrian stepped forward, his eyes locked on the book. "This is only the beginning. The Void has always sought this power, but it's not just the Void. Something older—something darker—wants it too."

Morganna's eyes flashed with amusement. "Ah, Johmarrian. Still playing the wise old mage, I see. But you know as well as I do that this power cannot be contained. Not by Florence, not by you, not by anyone."

Florence felt a cold dread settle in his chest. The weight of Morganna's words hung heavy in the air, and for the first time, he truly understood the danger he was in.

He wasn't just fighting the Void. He was fighting the very fabric of Astoria itself.

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