Relocation & Re-education

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clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop, clip-clop

The sound of Global Guardian Jileeta's hooves clattering against the tile floor sent shivers down the spines and equivalent skeletal structures of all those in the crowded corridor of the Yetsibee juvenile detainment center. Her oversized hoop ear-rings swung back and forth like pendulums. Her sleek, plum purple skin shimmered with sweat under her dark armor, the result of her latest labor to apprehend evil-doers across the cosmos. But tracking troublemakers through the expanse of space was child's play compared to weeding out the ones lurking within the ranks of her own organization.

Research Associate Zernia stood with her back to the door of interrogation room number three, chatting with members of the standby medical staff. She fell silent when she spotted Jileeta trotting over. The color drained from her face, rendering it an even paler shade of blue.

"J-Jileeta, what are you doing back so soon?" she stammered.

"Hujuno and I completed our assignment earlier than expected." Jileeta responded in her husky voice, her empty black eyes scanning the soldier's body up and down. "What are you doing here?"

"Interrogating an accomplice, duh." Zernia answered with increased confidence.

"Oh yes, I heard about your little unpermitted excursion to Lianhua. Tell me, how do you think Monnobus will react when he learns that you ventured to an unregistered world without the Coalition's approval?"

A deep blue blush formed on Zernia's flat face. She shot a glance back at the bystanders to ensure that none were snickering at her. They couldn't have cared less.

"I didn't need the GC's approval," Zernia snapped back. "My orders came straight from Dr. K'takano himself!"

"Need I remind you that Molsvitz K'takano doesn't run this organization? Yoojinx Yetsi does."

"Mr. Yetsi trusts the doctor's judgment. I don't see why you can't too."

Jileeta folded her arms in front of her chest. The thin strands of flabby flesh dangling from her forearms fluttered forebodingly. Apparently Zernia's argument only further fueled her frustrations.

Her hollow eyes shifted toward the nurses, who shivered under her icy gaze. "Why have you called in the medical staff? Don't tell me you've injured the poor girl?"

"I had no choice, she was resisting!" Zernia retaliated.

"How bad is it?" Jileeta asked the nearest nurse.

"Her left shoulder was dislocated in the struggle, but we've treated the injury and expect a full recovery."

"Excellent." Jileeta said shortly. Only now did she allow Zernia to occupy her attention, startling the unsuspecting soldier badly as her superior's head snapped suddenly in her direction. "You're lucky the damage wasn't more severe."

Then she spoke to the gathering at large.

"I'm taking charge of the investigation going forward. Miss Zernia, you are to return to your dormitory and remain there until further notice."

"T-The doctor won't like this!" Zernia complained.

"Then he can discuss the matter with me personally," said Jileeta firmly.

"It would seem I'm just in time, then."

The heads of all those in the hallway veered around at the sound of the silken voice. At the far end of the corridor stood Molsvitz K'takano, his tawny brown head raised regally, his stark white eyes squinting past the nub of his ugly snout. Jileeta jumped to attention alongside her subordinates. She didn't fear K'takano the same way Zernia feared her, but she didn't dare lower her guard around him either. There was no telling what might be going on inside that walnut shaped head of his.

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