
192 4 0

In California

2019 era

Mike and Jane are pushed together by their small friend group. Jane likes Mike but on the other hand Mike has no idea how he feels about her but he definitely didn't feel the electric spark what people describe when they meet their other half. One day Jane invites him to her house for the first time not expecting anything to happen. Yet did he know his body felt that spark... that spark to Janes step brother. William Byers.


Mike (main)
Age: 17
Height: 5'6 (short ass this story)
Sexuality: confused.
Birthday: 7th of April
Likes: late night talks, the cold, writing
Dislikes: attention, loud people

Will (2nd main)
Age: 19
Height: 5'10
Sexuality: gay.
Birthday: 22nd of March
Likes: quite, attention, annoying his step-sister
Dislikes: everyone and everything.

Jane (3rd main)
Age: 16
Height: 5'5
Sexuality: straight.
Birthday: 19th of February.
Likes: attention from boys.
Dislikes: her brother.

Age: 17
Height: 5'7
Sexuality: straight.
Birthday: 13th of October
Likes: food, max
Dislikes: popular kids.

Age: 17
Height: 5'5
Sexuality: pan
Birthday: 8th of September.
Likes: movies, school
Dislikes: popular kids.

Age: 16
Height: 5'6
Sexuality: straight.
Birthday: 27th of July
Likes: winter, her friends, Lucas.
Dislikes: popular kids.

Not a sad story I don't think... see how it goes!

This will contain:
Mention of abuse
Smut/mature (underage sex)
Strong language
and gay.

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