twenty six

69 5 0

Okay here we go.

Just asking her a simple question.

No no I can't do it. Why can't I fucking do it?

It shouldn't be this hard it's just one stupid question. Just walk up and ask a simple fucking question. It shouldn't bother me if she says yes or no but we all know it will be a yes.

I'm just scared.

What if Will finds out? I promised him Jane means nothing to me.

It's been a week and a half since mine and Wills first time. We haven't done anything since I've been... avoiding their house. Well Jane to be more specific.

Of course I still called and texted him whenever I could. And after the talk with Lucas and Dustin... we decided today is the day I'm asking Jane to this stupid fucking dance.
But mark my words- I'm not going to enjoy the night at all. I could literally be with Will cuddling up to his side while we do stupid stuff, talk stupid, watch stupid films, be stupid together. But no I have to go to this stupid dance.

Lucas and Dustin was at the end of the hallway while I was at the other end. Jane was in the middle at her locker. I'm not doing anything special or shit like that.

We're going as friends and I'll be strict with that. 

Walking down the hall over to her, she was wearing a knitted cream vest with a plain white long sleeve shirt under, with blue jeans what hugged her thighs nicely but flows around her black sneakers. She pulls a couple of books out her locker.

Tapping her on the shoulder making her face me, her face brightens up immediately. Shit.

"Hey!" She says pushing her books back in as she gives me her full attention.

"Hey Jane." I smile leaning against the locker next to hers. My right ankle cross over my left. A fewer people walking up and down looking at us. "I know you don't want me to ask you this way as it's boring."

Her face practically glowed as she knows what I'm about to ask her. I know she would want flowers and a whole thing of people holding up stupid sighs for me to ask but no.

"But..." Her smile widened. "Will you go to the dance with me?"

I didn't know it was possible and it hurts my face even looking her smile so fucking wide. You could hardly see her light hazel eyes behind her rosey cheeks.

She squeals so loudly -killing my ears not just making them bleed- as she pulls me into her arms against her chest. Squeezing the shit out of me.

"We're just going as friends only tho-"

"Yea yes yes yes yes."

She squeezes me tighter. I don't know if my ribs and lungs are going to make it out of this alive at this point.

After some time I managed to escape her grip and walk down the hall. My face fallen, looking at my two best friends- they weren't even smiling when they met my eyes.

Keep your tears at bay Michael.

They both go to my side as we continue to walk down the halls together. I felt alone even though both them at my sides.

"We're sorry Mike." Dustin whispers making me nod my head lightly. My hands go into fists closing my eyes taking a small breath.

"Just don't let Will find out... I need to tell him on my own." I knew for sure Jane won't say a word- actually I don't even know. I just hope she doesn't.

Or I'll be screwed- and not the good kind.

Janes step-brother ~Byler~Where stories live. Discover now