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Tw: drinking

Will and I have been hanging out for over a week together. Learning so much about him was something I liked. He used to go roller skating with Jane when they were younger but they haven't been in time. He looked quite upset talking about it.

I wonder what happened between him and Jane. The pair seemed like they used to be so close but now... no.

We only have been hanging out in his room so therefore I had to climb -not in pyjama pants... most of the time- into his window. One I didn't want to get caught hanging around with an older man, even though it's two years I'm still classed as a minor since I'm not 18 yet.

Will' birthday is just two weeks before mine so he turns 20 before I turn 18.

Also I found out we're both suckers for horror movies. So we could just lay in his bed stay up all night watching them. He doesn't touch me- well not inappropriately anyway. A few hugs here and there. 

I haven't seen him shirtless since I saw him come out the shower. I wonder it's because all of those little scars on his back and chest. Even the couple of his neck he always tries to hide. Maybe he just didn't want me to ask questions about his past.


It's the 23rd of December. Two days before Christmas, so now today it's the Christmas party.

Me, Jane, and Will were preparing for the party. Will hiding all the good alcohol away in a locked up cabinet. I was setting out the snacks, drinks on the small circle table and kitchen island.

All the drinks were in plastic cups so stupid teenagers don't break all the cups and glasses.

Jane was hiding all the valuables in the house and locking the rooms up except Wills.
Turning around seeing Will in the kitchen reaching up carefully placing glass bottles up in the cabinet. I couldn't help but look at how his muscles flex when he picks up a filled bottle.

Sometimes I forget how tall he is. Let me tell you the cabinet is high and the fucker doesn't have to use his tip toes.

Feeling eyes on him he swings his body around leaning on the counter. His arms across over his chest as he look back at me. My whole body went still while holding eye contact with him.

It felt like forever him staring at me. I personally couldn't look away. Soon he leaned off the counter grabbing the hem of his shirt. He flapped it up letting his shirt show his abs slightly but just for a second.

I flushed a deep red as I turned back to the table holding the red plastic cups. Feeling eyes on me, I close mine trying to calm the heat spreading around my body.

His presence getting closer to me. Once he was standing behind me, he leans in my ear where I could feel his breath brushing my skin letting the hairs at the back of my neck stand up.

One of his hands rest of my hip making my eyes open slightly as a small gasp leaves my lips.

"Enjoy the party, cocksucker." He whispers into my ear. Feeling his lips touch my ear lobe.

"Will..." I said knowing he didn't hearing me.

"Will." The both of us turned around to see Jane looking at her- well me. "Stop. He doesn't like you, get that in your stupid head and go to your room. I don't want you to join the party."

Fucking Jane. Maybe I did want him.

I do. I really fucking do. Fuck.

"Yes sis." He said with sarcasm walking away from me to the stairwell.

"I'm not your sister."

With that Will was gone. I turned back to the table finally finishing the last of the cups.
"I'm sorry if Will made you uncomfortable. His dick thinks more than his brain." Jane said walking next to me. She links her arm with mine leaning her head on my shoulder.

"It's alright, your brother- Will is cool." I quickly changed my mistake. But it got me wondering. "Why don't you see him as a brother? He sees you as his sister." I turn to her making her arm drop and a sigh leaver her mouth.

"Nothing Mike. Don't stick your nose somewhere it doesn't belong." And with that she's gone.


The house was full of drunk teenagers. The music was loud as the snacks were all trashed along with the house.

Jane was drunk out her mind so I kept her with me. Since Lucas insisted I stay with her to "protect" her. I have seen Will a few times. He's been casually grabbing a cup of some alcohol, but me no I haven't had a sip, I had to stay with Jane.

And I thought this party would be fun.

My arm around her waist as we stand with our friends in the kitchen. Seeing Will heading our way looking right at me.

I tried to avoid his gaze so I turn to Lucas who was slurring on his words, talking completely nonsense. Will soon walked right past me letting our arms touch what sent heat through me.

Why the fuck am I like this? I wouldn't mind being gay but why does it have to be my best friend's step-brother?

His eyes were on me all night- probably because he was keeping an eye on his step-sister. He most likely doesn't like me, he probably just teasing me knowing he can get under my skin. First was the small flash smile and his chest, then dropping his towel right in front of me showing me his bare ass. Then today, his lips touched my skin as he whispered what I am in my ear. A cocksucker.

After a couple of minutes my phone went off in my back pocket. Letting go of Jane since there was a drink in my other hand.


Letting my phone recognise my face.

I need to talk to you. Come to my room.

I didn't think anything of it, maybe he's just going to ask how Jane is because well- she's kinda a drunk. He's just looking out for her.

"Hey guys I'll be back, I need to go toilet." I said making the others nod not fully listening to me.

Placing my drink back on the counter as I placed my phone in my back pocket while heading up the stairs.

A few people were in the hallway making out. I made my way to Wills door. I knocked lightly on the plastered wood and not a second later the door flew open.

My arm was dragged in then getting slammed on the door feeling a pair of lips on mine.

Janes step-brother ~Byler~Where stories live. Discover now