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Tw; nude?

Turning into my driveway taking a deep breath. Hopefully no one hasn't noticed that I wasn't in all night. Well they hardly notice when I'm in or out so it won't surprise me if they forgot.

Opening my front door walking in slowly. The warmth of the house made me breathe with relief. Stepping further into the house dropping my key into a dish bowl, kicking my shoes off at the same time.

"Mike is that you?" I heard Jane call. Turning to my right I see her sitting at the kitchen table with her bag seated between her feet as she scrolls on her phone. My dad sitting opposite her reading the newspaper just like any other old person does in the morning.

"Yeah sorry I'm late." I said as I walked up to her.

"Wheres the snacks?" She asked glancing around. I cock my head in confusion until it hit me. I almost showed my shock but quickly recovered as I blow it off.

"Wasn't anything good, so shall we?" Without waiting for her to answer I made my way to the basement door. I could feel her eyes burning into me while she follows close behind as we walk down the steps.

"You okay Mike? Something about you is... different." Turning to her seeing that she looked like she just seen something unusual. My brows knit together while plopping myself on the couch thinking of anything was actually different-

Except from the amazing make out sessions what her step-sibling interrupted. Feeling him so close to me that I craved it more that it's going to end up being an addiction of mine. I won't be ashamed of it, I just simply don't want anyone -more specifically- Jane, I don't want her to find out.

No nothing is new.

"No." Was all what I said while grabbing a pile of school books what I left down here from the other day after school. "Okay so what first?"


It's been let's say half an hour give or take and Holly decided "oh let me go down into the basement and annoy the shit out my brother while he's studying" yeah Jane and I was just watching her as she tries out gymnastics as mum got her into the class.

Soon as we turn away she screams.

"Mike. Look what I can do." She shouts excitedly making me drop my pen giving up with my work. Leaning back on the couch letting my legs spread out wider while my arms cross over my chest.

"Yeah yeah that's amazing." I said with sarcasm while she did the smallest jump. looking in the corner of my eyes I could see Jane looking down at my thighs- well at me.
Feeling uncomfortable under her gaze I leaned back up placing my elbows on my knees turning to her.

"This is why we study at yours." I said. "Let's go to yours." So I can see Will but mainly to get away from Holly.


The pair of us packed up our school work leaving the basement before holly could call after us. My bag hangs on my right shoulder. We walked out the house immediately getting hit with the cold temperature.

I loved winter, I loved the cold better than the heat but this is too cold for me.

When I was about to hide my hands from the December weather Jane grabbed my right hand. My hand froze in place. Soon it relaxes into her touch, turning to face her seeing a smaller dimpled smile on her face what I soon returned.

The walk to hers was silent what I was grateful for. I just wished I had a change of clothes as I still smell like a bar.

"You know Max asked Lucas to the dance and not the other way round." Jane says making me glance over her in surprise. Were girls allowed to do that?

"I wasn't aware of that." I smile. Lucas and Max were basically fucking perfect together, I was low-key jealous of the two.

I wanted someone to call my own. To make me happy. Make me feel alive and comfortable in my own skin. Who I could be myself around.

Maybe he could be my other half.

"Yeah, they're really cute together." She whispered as she turns her head to the side looking into the forest while we walk on the semi-frozen grass. "Who you taking to the dance?" Jane asked all of a sudden turning back to me.

Her smile was small, cheeks tinted pink from the cold weather. She was wearing a thin blouse under her jacket with tight skinny dark washed blue jeans. Boots with fur at the top with her hair up in a loose pony. I see why Troy likes her I really do. I used to like her at one point but then she turned into my best friend.

When I liked her, she had short hair and basically lived in hoodies and baggy jeans.
"I don't know if I want to go." I finally answered.

I don't want to go at all. Maybe I'll see if Will is free that night, I could spend it with him.

"Oh." Was all what Jane said. Did I make her upset because I don't want to go to a stupid high school dance whats literally on Valentine's Day? Like it's my choice if I wanna go or not.

We reached to the white stone floor. Walking past the old rusty cop car over to the door. While Jane digs around for her keys I turn catching sight of the black Mercedes parked on the road. It was covered in a thick layer of snow. My heart picked up speed knowing he was home.

"Let's go into my room." Jane caught my attention. Wait what? Her room. No.

She would close the door- I wouldn't be able to see Will if he does come down the stairs.

"Okay." Was all what I said.

Walking into the house. Will snapped his head to the door. His gaze find mine and smiled immediately.

"Hey Mike." He said was he reached for a loaf of bread into the cupboard. "Want a sandwich?" He smirks as I make my way over before Jane grabs my arm.

"He's good, come on Mike let's get to my room." My smiles turned into a tight lipped one as I faced Jane. Turning back to Will.

"Another day?" I asked making him nod while he places small bits of ham on the white fluffy slice.


That was the last thing I heard him say before getting dragged up the stairs behind him.
Once we got into the unicorn vomit room she closed the door behind her. Taking her coat and shoes off throwing them to the ground. I sat at the end of her bed while she sat near her pillows.

"Okay since we did chemistry at your house let's move onto biology." I nodded as I grabbed the books what I needed from my bag along with my pen pouch.

While getting comfortable on her bed with my legs crossed with my books in my lap. My phone on the floor with my coat and bag. I kept my shoes on because I didn't want to stay for long as I needed to do last minute Christmas shopping.

About twenty minutes went past I turned to Jane. Her gaze already on me. I smile lightly and that's when my gaze fell to her hands.

"It's hot in here." She says undoing the top button of her blouse. Then the next.

Then the next.

Then the next.

Her breast was basically poking out of her thin bra to the point you can see her nipples harden from the cold air.

I started feeling uncomfortable as she finished the last couple of buttons.

Please get me out of here.

Janes step-brother ~Byler~Where stories live. Discover now