My head was throbbing. Pain felt like it was going in circles around my skull. Like it was a rudder band tightening around it like it was a fucking watermelon trying to explode. I'm not Glenn from the walking dead and the rubber band was not Lucille.
My alarm wouldn't shut the fuck up after even the amount of times I tried turning it off. Leaning myself up off of my mattress turning to my alarm clock only to be noticed I was pressing the wrong fucking button.
I really need to start using my phone insted.
Getting out of bed with a whine. It was too early to learn stupid math- or English- or anything really. Grabbing a pile of clean clothes from my closet. Pair of black briefs, black jeans, a white shirt, and a brown hoodie.
Not caring what I looked like for college. Clothes are just clothes at the end of the day.
After showering and quickly eating banana in porridge I bolted down to Janes house.Not taking my bike as I hardly ride it anymore. Hands in my pockets.
December 3rd was a day I hated. Making me feel single as every boy gives their partners jumpers. Yeah I don't have a girlfriend or boyfriend- I don't have a girlfriend so I don't give any one my hoodie but my little sister.
I knocked on Janes front door patiently waiting in the semi dark morning light. The door opens letting some light shine in my face from behind her. A smile spread on her face.
"Here." She hands me a hoodie. Looking up at her as she walked out the door closing it behind her.
"What's this?" I held it up lightly seeing it. Just a plain black hoodie. Looking at the tag with W.B sew into the tag. It was an XL with a smell of pine wood.
"Will told me to give it to you. He found a new one and I didn't want it." She said as she shrug her shoulders walking ahead of me.
Wills? W.B
Will Byers.
My breath felt trapped as I hold it in my palms. My feet felt suck on the white stones. The feeling if I didn't move them, they would eat me up. Falling right through them with my heavy weight.
Jane was ahead of me. I jumped at the sound of a car unlocking.
The black Mercedes. I turned around seeing Will standing behind me on the step outside of his house with the door closed. He was wearing a darker brown hoodie from what I was wearing and black joggers.
Twinning or what?
"Janes waiting for you." He said making me flinch at his voice. So low yet so... so- "Are you okay?"
"M-me? Ye-yeah yeah umm thanks for the- the..." my voice trailed off as he laughed deeply with a smirk tugging at his lips.
"You're welcome. You guys will be late if you don't move your feet though." He said making me blink my eyes a couple of times.
Seeing Jane on the other side of the street waiting impatiently tapping her feet on the ground. I nodded not facing back at the man as I felt how hot my face was. Let alone how red it is to face him.
Walking away quickly in one swift motion Jane grabbed my hand.
"I'll pick you up Jane!" I heard Will shout in the distance making the brunette girl groan. I'm guessing she doesn't like her step brother as much as she would like to admit.
It was lunch time and Jane was officially trying out for cheerleading.
I was sitting on the side lines of the field, watching as the afternoon sun was starting to shine more than the morning sun. Blinding me. But not failing to see the others girls eyes on me.

Janes step-brother ~Byler~
FanfictionMike Wheeler falling behind in biology and chemistry. He's forced to study so Jane his best friend decides to help him with it. They go to her house and that's where Mike meets janes step-brother. Will Byers. He's rude and arrogant towards his littl...