Jumping onto the ground as I wipe my hands on my jeans. Looking up at Wills window seeing he was looking down smiling ear to ear. He soon closes it along with his curtains as he probably is actually getting changed now.Walking to the front of the house, the white stones digging into the solos of my shoes. Slightly fixing my shirt- hopefully she doesn't notice it's the same clothes as from yesterday. She wouldn't right? She doesn't take that much notice. Right?
Soon as I rung the doorbell the door swings open before I could even let my hand drop to my side again. Her eyes scans over my body. Disgusted was coving her face making me sigh deeply. I walk into the house so I was between the corridor and the kitchen.
"Why you in the same clothes as yesterday?" Of course she noticed. I would never escape from her and her haunting praying eyes can I?
"Yeah so? They still clean, I'm not like most people who waste clothes after one wear." I roll my eyes, Jane opens her mouth but before she could utter a word the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. Turning immediately only to see Will wearing a tight black shirt and jeans.
His hair still damp and falls over his face. Once his eyes lock with mine he smiles immediately. It soon drops when he looks to the person who was behind me.
"Oh you're here again." He sounded annoyed but I know he really wasn't as his smile fades back in as he turns to the fridge.
"Yeah I am." I turn back to Jane rolling my eyes. Acting annoyed even if I just want to run over to him and pull him in a hug. Good I missed the feeling of his lips already. You'll never know how I feel when you haven't experienced it yourself so don't judge me.
Jane looks over my shoulder to her step-brother.
"Shut up Will, make your daily sandwich quietly as we finish our conversation." She looks back at me. Will has a daily sandwich? Noted. "So why are you still in the same clothes as yesterday- holy fuck, your neck is covered in bruises- hickeys." The brunette girl eyes widened as she traces her thumb over one.
A sound of a spoon dropping to the floor rings in my ears while my cheeks turn a deep red. I could feel my cheeks burn. I could feel Will staring at me as I stare at Jane right in her eyes.
"Who was little Michael with last night?" I jump at the sound of his voice. I turn to him cutting a glare as he only smirks back at me. His arms folded onto on the counter where Jane and I normally study. I went to open my mouth only to be cut off by Jane.
"Oh my god, leave Will let me handle this he's my friend not yours." Handle? I turn to her as I hear Will scoff. Jane looks right at me. "So who was you with last night? I didn't know you had a girlfriend, everyone excepts us-"
"Of fuck Jane. Leave him alone, he can date and fuck whomever he wants. Stop controlling the poor boy." I mentally wanted to kick Will in the fucking face... but he's just standing up for me... something what I can't do and especially to Jane.
Turning to Wills direction again I've noticed him walking closer to us with a drink in hand. A small smile played in my lips as I quickly covered it up with a small cough. Will noticed sending a wink my way. Once he got closer I've noticed his neck was different kind of tones, kinda looked orange- huh- that fucking basted covers up my love marks while he let me walk inside with my neck covered in them.
His gaze met mine when he noticed I was looking at his neck. He bites his lip making my eyes dart to the action. Fuck he has no idea what he does to me.
"Mike." Jane snaps me out my trace making me look back at her.
"I-I... I was just with someone from one of my classes that's all." I rock on my heals. "Let me have sex with who I want, okay?"
"Wait you're not a virgin anymore?" Then I was splashed with a cold liquid what really smelt like citrus drips all over me. A gasp falls from my lips. Turning to Will to see his eyes wide but wanting to crack up with laughter.
Now I have to shower, fuck him man. Turning back to Jane while I smile as real as possible. I just want to go home and shower now. Feeling Will walk closer to me as he places his hand on my lower back.
"Looks like someone was naughty last night and let a complete random take his virginity." He whispers close to my ear in his husky voice. I almost moaned.
Keyword: almost
"He-she wasn't some random Will. They have a specific place in my heart." I smiled at the memories from last night replays in my head. I already missed it.
"Okay.. Mike and I need to study-"
"Jane I wanna hang out with Lucas and Dustin, I'm skipping this study session." I moved one of my hands at my back feeling Wills. I smile at the small touch before moving back to the front door. I turn to them. "See you later." I didn't direct it at anything.
It was meant for Will.
And with that I was on my way back home.

Janes step-brother ~Byler~
FanfictionMike Wheeler falling behind in biology and chemistry. He's forced to study so Jane his best friend decides to help him with it. They go to her house and that's where Mike meets janes step-brother. Will Byers. He's rude and arrogant towards his littl...