Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Enjolras, I promise you, I am entirely fine as well as ready for the rally today!"

"You also said you were fine yesterday, why should I believe you today?" The revolution leader asked, pressing the back of his hand to Aurélia's forehead.

"Because I actually am fine. I ate my soup and drank my tea, I'm all better now-"

"I don't know, Aurélia. I don't want you getting-"

"I will be fine. I have my very own babysitter this time, remember?" Even as she joked he could tell she was upset by the idea.

"I'm not your babysitter, I am simply ensuring you don't get yourself killed. I wouldn't need to have this job if you looked out for your own safety."

"You fall once and that's all people can ever think of."

"I know you aren't going to fall. But, that doesn't mean we should get rid of the safety net. What if something happens at the rally? What if you need to tell me something urgently after the rally but can't find me? This way, you will see me, we'll talk for a few seconds before we go off on our ways. You are just as much checking on me as I am on you." This seemed to help Aurélia come to terms with the idea.

"I suppose you do need someone to make sure you don't do anything stupid." He rolled his eyes but a playful smile tugged at his lips. "Can I please go to the rally?" He pursed his lips together as if he were deep in thought. "I don't say please often so you should let me."

"Or I should know that you are severely ill," He joked. He scanned her face for any sign of illness, but when he came up empty-handed, let out a sigh. "Alright, you can come to the rally but if you feel ill in the slightest, you have to let me know." She quickly stood on her toes and pressed a quick peck to his cheek with a smile.

"Deal! Come on, let's go!" She practically skipped from the apartment as he simply watched her in awe. She glanced over her shoulder with a wide grin. "Are you coming?" A small smile spread across his lips as he nodded and followed after the woman.

The rally went entirely according to plan. Aurélia was able to check all of the spots and came back with a clear report. All the men scattered and Enjolras and herself were on their way to where they would meet. At least, they were until Aurélia noticed a gendarme grab Gavroche and lift him from the ground by the front of his shirt. Now that Amélie was at school, he was the only kid around and must have wanted to come with them. She should have known he would try such a thing.

"Monsieur, what seems to be the issue here?" The redhead asked, trying to keep her temper under control.

"This urchin tried to pick my pocket as I walked past him."

"If he 'tried' to that means he wasn't successful?" The man nodded, placing Gavroche back on the ground, but the cold look in his eye didn't waver. Before the gendarme could place another hand on the blonde child, Aurélia quickly shoved the boy to hide behind her. "He's innocent then. He did nothing wrong. Now if you'll excuse us, we'll be on our way." She walked backward while she spoke as if she were afraid of turning her back on the man.

"You can't leave!" She froze in her steps, grabbing one of the young boy's hands in her own and giving it a reassuring squeeze. She wasn't going to let anything happen to the kid she had grown to see as family.

"Monsieur, with all due respect, he failed at his attempt to pickpocket you just as you are currently failing at your job of protecting the innocent. But who am I to judge a child who steals to eat?" She spoke the words coldly. The man stared at her with wide eyes for a moment until he caught the smirk she tried to hide. Without warning, the man slapped her across the face. When she turned back to face him, tears running down her cheeks; he knew that he messed up. "Help! Monsieur Gendarme, please help!" She called out to the man in the blue coat who walked down the street. He quickly ran over to the damsel who appeared to be in distress, a few other gendarmes joining him.

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