Erzac, the Crazy Horse

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Ezarc, the Crazy Horse By Sam

One day there was a crazy horse. He would be calmly eating grass and then all of a sudden rear up.

The farmer, who owned the group of horses, including the crazy one, was stumped. He couldn't figure out why the horse was doing that. None of the others were.

So the farmer said to himself, "I'll take him to the Horse Vet." The farmer, Billy J. Bob, called his friend Marcia, the Horse Vet. Marcia came over a few hours later to examine the crazy horse, which Billy called "Craze”, for obvious reasons. Or sometimes, "Ezarc", which was Craze backwards.

Marcia observed Craze from a safe distance while Billy led him to a nice patch of grass. Craze ate for a few seconds, then reared up and ran away, shaking his head. Billy caught up with him eventually, and Marcia examined his face. Maybe he had a cut that might have stung when something in the grass touched it. There was nothing. Then Marcia examined the grass, in case there were rabbits pawing at the horse, or rats or big bugs.  She saw nothing.

Then Marcia said, "HHmmm...I'm stumped.” After she said that, Marcia's phone rang. She picked it up, and it was her husband Logan, who just called to notify Marcia that he was taking their daughter, Tyla, to the doctor's to get have an allergy test

And that's when she thought "I know!" She called one of those trucks that transport horses, loaded Craze on, and brought him over to the doctor Tyla was going to. The doctor's were shocked. A horse in their little office? Marcia said they would wait outside. The doctors could give the shot out there.

A while later, a doctor came out with a small needle. He said it was for grass. They administered the shot in one leg, and after a while, there was a big red bump on the white fur of Craze.

Billy Joe Bob laughed. "He's allergic to grass!!!"  So they sent Craze off to a place with only hay, or dried grass, which doesn’t bring out his allergies.

He lived better there, and because he never reared up or did anything weird, his new owner, Kiara, didn't think she should call him Craze anymore.

So she used the nickname Billy gave him, Ezarc. Everyone thought the name was so unique and everyone there loved Ezarc.

The End 

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