chapter 5 - secrets

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The library was quiet. V was quiet. She wanted to tell N but something stopped her. She attempted to get it out, N waiting patiently next to her.

"You don't need to tell me, okay? If it makes you uncomfortable-"

"No Nate- I need to. I want to be honest with you," V spoke sternly.

N waited, V twiddling her fingers and hair.

"Something- something's been happening to me.." She began.

"Before we met, I noticed that I was able to have- I was able to summon wings on my back. They were cool, I thought. When I showed Tessa however, she told me to put them away almost immediately," V explained.

N was silent, waiting for more.

"I used them when no one was around, then I found out I could summon something in my hand, almost using telepathy to make things float. I used that in my freetime in secret," V paused.

"Those actions however did have consequences. I began to get cravings for oil, so I stopped using it. I didn't know what it was in the first place the more I thought about it. It was taking over my body and soon..."

A tear.

N touched her hand lightly.

"I gave into the cravings. I ate one worker. Then another. Before I couldn't help myself anymore. J noticed this once, finding a dead body in the library. They tried kicking me out but- workers were scarce and eventually... well they forgot about throwing me away,"

V began again after taking a breath.

"I will never forget my fear when they said that. I'll never forget the phrase Tessa said. I fear if this gets out again however, they'll think I'm a monster. And I'll be thrown away,"

V was finished. N's breath was heavy, his eyes were hollow.

"Val..." N gestured for her hand. She took it, N pulling her into a hug.

She cried softly on his shoulder.

"Valerie, don't cry... I'm not telling anyone okay? You trust me don't you?"

She nodded, hugging him tightly.

He let V cry a bit longer before pulling her away, wiping her tears away with his fingers under her fragile chin.

"Perhaps I can make it up to you," N spoke, a spark in Vs eyes appearing. "Tonight,"

N spoke anonymously, making V a bit tense. She reminded herself of last time in the garden. She doesn't have a single bad memory with him, except for the pantry. She wasn't all that worried anymore now that she thought about it, N leaving to do chores around the house.


short chapter but looooore :0


word count - 426 (NOOOOOOOOO)

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