Gunshots were fired.
Rain drizzled from the sky.
The sky was dark not because of the clouds, but the blackhole infront to N.
People screamed and cried for help. For them to stop.
A mother with two babies in her hand was shot and killed, her children left to cry as they were propped upright next to a building.
Drones ate and tore their flesh apart, downing full bodies in one sitting.
No this can't be right.
N looked around, feeling a derangement of sorts.
He looked at himself, his hands sharp metal claws. He was taller with white boot-like feet that faded into legs. Caution stripes found themselves on him while his hands were metallic white cones, his hands acting as a murderous ice cream flavor.
But he didn't cry.
He didn't scream.
He didn't tear up or sulk.
He just wanted to help people.
A man was running away from a drone. In a panic, N set off to help.
He stood behind the man, blocking the drone from killing him any further. He looked at the drone, the same caution tape and structure only female with pegs for legs.
The man looked behind him at N, shaken and frightened.
N walked, hoping the man would follow before he embraced him.
The man pulled N into a hug, thanking him for saving his life.
His words were stopped however when N cut off the top of his head.
He didn't mean to do this.
He didn't want this.
But he couldn't cry.
He couldn't be mad or angry.
He couldn't feel.
Then right in front of him, a drone who looked oddly familiar flew by him, with a bob cut and a similar body to the other drones.
He felt a connection he couldn't place.
He didn't understand.
But she did.
She knew every last piece of what happened in that basement.
She couldn't love N.
N couldn't love her.
But she could protect him.
The best that she could.
One day they'll be free.
Even if their souls have been put in jars and cloned.
They'll one day see that beautiful moon, Luna, on Earth.
They'll dance in the dark once more.
V once buried in bones of her once the same own kind will be free.
So she can rest eternally.
One day.
She'll end this nightmare.
Books [eNVy]
Teen Fiction(Cover art by @ mewklu on twitter) From the indie show murder drones on YouTube, two drones fall in love serving the Elliot Family by reading books to each other on break. V goes by Valarie most of the time and N is Nate or Nathaniel :0 This fan fic...