Yeonjun sent Hyunjin a text that would've made anyone stop what they were doing."We need to talk right now. Where can I meet you?"
Hyunjin texted him back telling him to come to the dance studio after close time so they could talk. When the studio closed, Yeonjun banged on the front door. He saw Hyujin jog over and open it clearly looking concerned as Yeonjun walked inside.
"Jun, what is going on?"
"It's Kangwoo." He looked at him. "I have a lot I need to tell you. I need you to listen to me."
"...alright." They stood in the middle of the studio staring at each other.
"Soobin was originally Kangwoo's boyfriend and I...I convinced him to sleep with me."
Hyunjin gave him a look and groaned. "Yeonjun, what the fuck?"
"I know but you didn't see what I did. Kangwoo treated him like a servant, I felt horrible and he was cheating on him. It wasn't right and I know that but Soobin is so special and sweet and I really love him a lot Hyunjin and Kangwoo is hurting him and I need your help!"
"Alright alright slow down. Kangwoo is hurting him?"
"...that night...with the accident. What happened?"
Hyunjin's blood ran cold. "Why are you bringing that up?" He asked slowly.
"We are trying to get Kangwoo put in prison. We need a lot of things on him and you were there and I was hoping you could..."
"Wait who is we? Why do you keep saying we? Who else knows about that night?" He asked as he stepped closer to him.
"Soobin's cousin and his boss. Look we just need something more to put him away and with your help we could–"
Hyunjin shook his head. "No, no no no no. Are you fucking insane? Coming here trying to get me locked away?"
"It's not like that!" He shouted. "Soobin needs help."
"Well you have a criminal record so you help him since you love him so much!" He yelled back. "But I'm not going! Get the fuck out!"
"I wouldn't be here if I didn't need you!"
"Exactly!" He stepped closer to him again. "Things went south with Kangwoo, you went to jail because you couldn't control your temper. That was your fault! Then you get out and I don't hear anything from you until you need me? Fuck off!" He shoved him back and then went into his office slamming the door shut behind him.
Yeonjun pulled at his hair. "I have done a shit ton of things for you back then Hyunjin, because none of you were ever willing to get your hands dirty. If it weren't for me Kangwoo would've abandoned you and your dumpster poor family just like he would have with me. We mean nothing to him, we never did. He isn't our friend, he used us for years and we were all too stupid and scared to stand up to him because of the people he knew and his wealth. Well now we can because he's losing his shit and he's becoming sloppy. You have the chance to make him pay for what he did to you, to us, our friends that moved out of the country. Think about that."
He stormed out of the studio and called Jin.
"How did it go?" He asked over the phone.
"He won't help." He answered as he walked to his motorcycle.
"We don't have many options." Yoongi said as he stood next to Jin. "And I'm done waiting. I'm heading over there."
"I'm coming with you." Yeonjun said. "I'll call a friend."
"What for?"
"I need someone to stop me." He said before he hung up and started his bike.
Jin looked at Yoongi and rubbed his head. "I want to come too."
"Hell no." He grabbed his keys. "Go to my place and wait there until I call you."
"...You promise me everyone comes back safe. Promise me Yoongi."
He turned and looked at him. "You have my word. I will bring Soobin home." He gave him his keys and left.
Soobin laid in bed. His body sprawled over the sheets. He was only wearing a shirt, his body covered in new and old bruises and cuts. His left eye swollen shut, his heart was racing and he was cold yet sweating. Kangwoo gave him something else, he didn't remember when or what but he knew he forced it again. His body wasn't reacting well to it. He felt horrible, as if his body would give out on him at any time. Yet he continued to think about Yeonjun and if he were to die right now. He wouldn't be able to apologize for the things that he said.
Soobin stepped out of his bedroom to get Kangwoo something to drink. Yeonjun was sitting in the living room and when he saw him come out by himself he quickly stood and walked over to him.
"Baby are you okay?"
"...I'm not your baby Yeonjun."
Soobin turned and looked at him. Bags under his eyes and a clear look of defeat on his face.
"I'm not your baby. I'm with Kangwoo." Yeonjun's heart broke as he looked at the man he loved, almost unrecognizable to him. "Did you forget what I said to you? Did you think I was joking?" Tears started to run down his cheek. "We are over Yeonjun. We were never together in the first place! You were just someone I used to past time don't you understand that? Do you think you actually meant something to me?" He started to laugh. "You are a pathetic criminal using your best friend to get by because everyone can see how worthless you truly are. A waste of space and time and you are completely fucking stupid if you thought that we could be anything more than roommates! Why don't you do everyone a favor and LEAVE!" He walked past him and back into his room, slamming the door shut.
Yeonjun practically sank to his knees and started crying for several minutes and then he heard the gentle moans of the man he loved from the other side of the door. He grabbed a huge suitcase and threw random items of clothing into it before he left.
Soobin felt a tear slip out of his eye at he thought about that day.
"What are you crying about now?" He walked over and lit a cigarette as he sat on the bed next to him. "Your boyfriend, hm? You miss Yeonjun."
"I hate you." He sobbed. "I hate you, I hate you!" He cried weakly as he slowly sat up closing his eyes since the room was spinning. "Get away from me."
"You are so annoying." Kangwoo stood up and walked over to him since he was trying to move away from him. "You like him more than me."
"Yes, you psychotic asshole." He snapped at him. "You and your small useless dick, you were only good for your money. I rather be with Yeonjun then sit here and spend another second with you!"
Kangwoo threw him to the floor roughly. Soobin's body rolled and he hit the dressed a few feet away. He opened his eyes to Kangwoo turning him over on his back and getting on top of him.
"Then die." He spat before wrapping his hands around Soobin's neck.
*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*.
Typing on my laptop I think helps with the creative juices

The Roommate | Yeonbin
FanfictionSoobin lives with his boyfriend, who unbeknownst to him allowed an old friend to also stay in their apartment. The roommate, Yeonjun, was a guy covered in tattoos and smelled like cigarettes and sex all the time. What good could come from a guy lik...