Thirty Six

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Yeonjun, Yoongi, and San arrived to the apartment.

"Don't do anything stupid." San said as they walked up the stairs. 

"That's why you are here. So I don't do anything stupid." They got to the door and Yeonjun opened it with the hidden spare key. They walked inside and Yeonjun went to their bedroom opening the door.

He froze, his eyes wide as he saw Kangwoo choking him. Soobin wasn't moving. Yoongi ran over and kicked him in the face. Kangwoo fell back, nose bloody as Yoongi started beating him. Yeonjun dropped to his knees next to him, his hands hovering over his body. His eyes swelling with tears. 

This was wrong. 

It wasn't supposed to end like this. How could everything turn out like this?

"Yeonjun wake the fuck up and do something." San yelled as he was already dialing the police. "I need help, our friend isn't moving his boyfriend tried to kill him!"

Yeonjun looked over at Yoongi who was fighting with Kangwoo and Kangwoo was surprisingly fighting back. 

Then he snapped. 

He grabbed him from behind and body slammed him to the floor. He got on top of him and started punching him again and again and again. He heard faint screams in the background, he could feel someone grabbing him but he was too far gone to realize what was happening. He blamed himself for believing Soobin and not checking on him. He wished he was stronger, he wished he could've protected him. 

He wished he killed Kangwoo years ago.

"That's enough, damn it Yeonjun stop!" San was finally able to pull him off. Kangwoo laid on the floor motionless. 

They all stared at him and soon the faint sounds of police sirens could be heard as they got closer to the apartment complex.

"You gotta go Yeonjun. If he's dead you're fucked."

"I'm not leaving Soobin again." He shoved San off and went to Soobin's side. "I need you Soobin please wake up, don't do this to me, don't leave me baby please." He hugged him as he cried. "Don't take him away from me please God don't take him!" He sobbed loudly. "Soobin wake up please!" He screamed.

The police came upstairs, guns pointed at everyone in the room. San cursed and Yoongi put his hands up as well. They yelled at Yeonjun to step away but he couldn't hear over his gut wrenching cries. He was grabbed and pinned against the floor. He tried fighting them off but there were too many of them. He stared at Soobin, still unmoving.

He wished he were dead instead of him.


Everyone was thrown in jail until Yoongi's cop friend came. He pulled him out of the cell and they went into another room to talk.

"Did they say anything to you about Soobin?" Yeonjun asked San.

"I haven't heard anything other than he was drugged, heavily. Probably at the hospital." He murmured. "What a shitty day."

" was my fault." He said. "I shouldn't have left him, why did I leave?"

"He told you to. Of course you listened to him, you're in love with the guy. Kangwoo is to blame, not you." 


"Wooyoung!" He got up and one of the officers opened the door letting him leave, they hugged each other.

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