Thirty Seven

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Yeonjun was released.

With all of the evidence that their neighbor Mrs. Lee collected and an anonymous tip about an accident Kangwoo was in where he killed someone and dumped the body. Yeonjun was let go. Because no one knew what really happened inside it was put as self defense. Yoongi worked with his police friend to make the perfect story because he knew the truth that Yeonjun had lost his cool and killed him. Purposely or not it happened.

When he got out Yoongi took him to the hospital to see Soobin. They went inside to his room and Jin was sitting next to his bed. He looked up and smiled when he saw Yeonjun.

"I'm glad to see you're out."

Yeonjun walked over and looked down at Soobin was laid still in bed, sleeping soundlessly. He held his hand.

"How long will he be unconscious?"

"Not sure. The IV is keeping him hydrated, they are watching him regularly since there are drugs in his system. It's was only a few weeks but of course the doctor said he is body has already grown an dependency to it. He'll go through withdrawals...that guy ruined his life even after his death he will suffer because of him."

He wiped his tears away and Yoongi walked over.

"You haven't eaten. Let's go." He said firmly.

Jin stood up and left the room with him. Yeonjun sat in the chair Jin was in, he held Soobin's hand gently.

"I don't know if you can hear me, but I haven't been truthful to you. I never told you that I love you, that because of you I now fear to live in a world where you might not be there. The thought of not being able to see you again terrifies me. I'm yours more than anything, more than anyone. When you wake up, whatever questions you have I swear I'll answer them. I'm not scared of this anymore, I want to love you wholeheartedly Soobin."

He looked at Soobin and saw a tear slip out of his closed eye.


Yeonjun was at work when he got the call that Soobin had finally woken up. He practically ran out and sped the entire way there. When he got to the hospital his heart was racing. He checked in and quickly walked to his room, he went inside and saw him. Eyes open as he stared up at the ceiling, Jin was holding his hand as he watched him. He looked up when he saw someone and waved Yeonjun into the room. 


He slowly turned his head and looked at him. He smiled weakly at him and Yeonjun walked over and held his other hand. 

"Hyung." A small tear ran down his cheek. "I'm so sorry."

"Shhhh don't, don't say that." He sat on his bed and hugged him. "I should apologize and I am. I'm so sorry Soobin about everything. I care about you so much and I was so scared when I found you. I am so so sorry. Please forgive me."

Soobin hugged him back and cried in his arms. It stayed this way for several moments until Soobin had sobbed himself back asleep. He clung to Yeonjun as he slept so he ended up laying next to him in bed. 

"This is unhealthy." Yeonjun whispered. "I know."

"He's grown dependent of you." Jin said. He needs time and it's not good for either one of you to rush into this. I love you so much for what you have done for him. More than Kangwoo ever did, but you understand that I think you both should wait."

"No, you are right." He looked down at Soobin as he slept soundlessly next to him. "It's gonna hurt like hell."

"I know. I'm taking him back to Ansan after this. It would be best for you two to cut contact for a while. I'll give you my number, I can keep you updated with his health."

"Thank you." He stayed with Soobin the entire day and they watched tv and simply talked abou anything and everything accept what happened. They both didn't want to think about everything they had been through with Kangwoo.

Neither one of them had said those three words that lingered in their brain for weeks. Both two scared to wonder what it truly meant to say it. Feeling as though those words would tie them together and make it harder to walk away, because their time together was numbered. After today Soobin knew he wouldn't see him again, he knew how Jin felt and he agreed that he was right. It would be foolish to get into a relationship after getting out of an abusive one. He needed to heal, metally, emotionally, and physically. He wanted a relationship with Yeonjun more than anything, but he wanted it to be a beautiful one. 

He was worth the way. 

It was starting to get dark and Soobin was getting tired after a day of relaxing with Yeonjun. He could see the way his blinks were getting longer but he tried forcing himself to stay up. 

"Sleep." Yeonjun said as he looked at him. "You are tired."

"...I'm going to miss you Yeonjun." He whispered to him as he slowly started to drift off to sleep. "Don't...forget about me."

"I wouldn't dream of it." He leaned down and kissed his forehead, Soobin felt it and smiled a little before he fell asleep almost as quickly as Yeonjun left to silence himself. The tears came almost instantly and the drive back home felt long. He got back to the aparment since he moved in with Wooyoung and San. 

When he walked inside, the two of them were awake, clearly waiting up for Yeonjun to get back. Wooyoung stood up and looked at him, no one said anything but they could tell he had been crying. Yeonjun quietly took off his shoes and stepped inside, he slowly walked over to Wooyoung and San also stood up as he watched him. 

When he got close enough, Wooyoung pulled him into a tight embrace. Yeonjun's shoulders began to tremble as he buried his face into his shoulder and slowly hugged him back as he cried all over again. 

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

They gotta take some time apart now......

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