"3 months of us already?"
"3 months yeah, what are you? Obsessed much?" I laughed.
It was a sunny afternoon in May, I was busy washing the dishes with my clingy ass boyfriend holding me from behind.
"You know I love you belle"
"Mm-hmm, I know that" I said smiling ear to ear.
Your birthday is in a week, so close already " Trevor added
" I know right, I have a lot undone, look at me, I'm a mess"
"Don't worry, I got you covered " He said kissing my cheek. I smiled.I met Trevor in February, when I was still with my ex, we're all just starting freshman year and getting the hang of uni life.
" Hey, I'm Trevor "
"Belle, this is Trevor, Trevor this is Belle" Daree introduced us to each other. Daree was my friend/client already, I do assignments for him. I had no idea who Trevor was, infact this was my first time seeing him in class " you told me you needed more clients right? This is Trevors first time in school and um-"
"Wait, first time?" I asked.
"Yeah?" Trevor asked staring at me
"Dude we're already 4 months into the semester " I laughed
" I know right? That's why I wanna make up, name your price, or no, let me have your number, so I'd text you"
"Okay" he gave me his phone, I typed the number in. He stretched out his hand to take mine.
" What? " I asked him.
" Your phone, I want to save the number by myself "
" No, I'd put it on my notepad and I'd text you when I'm home"
" Not happening" he pulled the phone from my hands, my outdated android I've been using since high school "girls never save guys number unless they like them, and I'm making sure you save mine." I marvelled at the audacity of this short man before me, how audacious of him!
"So I guess my job here is done" Daree said.
" Belle, come on now" it was Tari and Ella waiting for me. I said my goodbyes to the boys and left.I wasn't really rich, I never wore any designer or fancy wigs and hand bags. I had a wardrobe filled with thrift wears and tote bags and slippers from Mile 3 early morning market, not like thrift wears are for poor people, but it was, in this school. Though no one really noticed cause I am dead ass beautiful, no one really noticed my tacky hair or my broken glasses cause of the pretty face behind all of it.
Not to brag but if I go to a museum, they'd definitely keep me cause sheesh, I am a work of art! I had boys asking me out everyday but I wasn't interested cause even before lectures started I feel in love with this boy, Noah, I met him off the class group chat, we're all in computer science department. Noah was from an average background, he didn't have much or gave much either but I didn't care, I loved him deeply, I always believed he was my Romeo. He was the first boy I've ever truly loved and even my first in everything else, you know what I mean. People envied us, we seemed perfect, but we were far from that.
I texted Trevor that evening since he failed to
" Hey, it's assignment girl"
" Oh hey, Belle right? Beautiful name" I looked at the text ignoring the compliment.
" About the assignment and note, I'll take 17,000 naira" I said
"That's no problem at all" He replied. I was so excited 'he must be so rich' I thought to myself, such a huge amount of money for little work. 17k would do a lot in my life right now, as a broke student.
Not like my family is poor, my father is rich, my mum, in between, my dad moved all the way to Lagos after they separated a year and half ago, he makes millions every month with his company. Things were good when we were together as a family, I had the best life, but when he left, we moved to a smaller house, a two bedroom apartment, started managing food, mum spent all dad left on fashion and branded properties, until she got bankrupt and now works in a small private school. My elder brothers are away from home, my little sister Amanda is all I have left, she's 6.
Dad still sends me money sometimes, and pays for our fees and rent. I was low-key happy when he left, it was hell when they were together, we were rich but far from peace. Dad was an alcoholic and abusive husband/father, some nights, he'd beat mum, call us names and he never ever EVER apologized, he had this misologist mentality that women are meant to be slaves to there partners and have no say in the society, lol, I hate him. I should probably go to therapy for that childhood trauma, but whatever, it's all over now, I turned out great, right? Right?
People don't get it when I say ' hey, my dad owns the biggest company in Lagos but we live in a leaking apartment ' guess they haven't seen someone as wicked as him before. They'd be like 'just call your dad' or 'Just go stay with him' they wouldn't get it, my dad's a total asshole, a complete jerk. The only promise he kept was when he said ' I'll make you cry' cause he did, multiply. I help mum with mist of the bills and we're pulling through together, though some days she gets all depressed cause she can't go shopping like she used to, but shopping with a swollen eye? Is it really worth it?
I went to visit him last in December, he flew me in. There I ate good food, slept in a comfy bed and had fun for a few weeks. I haven't heard from him since then, he hasn't sent any money since then either and we're already in February, classic dad.

All At Once
Romance"The sunset is beautiful, isn't it? Meet our protagonist, a charming teenage girl suffering from different illnesses. She meets Trevor at her rock bottom, her light, but just as soon as she thought things are going to be fine, a lot go wrong. Read m...