I guess it was the runner in me that made me stay three weeks into July without texting Trevor. I had spent this past two weeks hating on myself and isolating and now I was done.
I finally forgave myself, and Frank too, and I tried my best to forget. I went to church, prayed and tried to communicate with God. Everything was going well asides the fact I missed Trevor terribly. I started attending classes again and I ignored Frank every time I saw him in school.July 28th 2024
It was another lovely Sunday evening and I layed in bed writing. I decided to respond to a few texts on WhatsApp. My life has been so peaceful lately, to the extent my phone was dry asf. But then a smile spread across my face when I saw his text. It was Trevor.
"Hey babe" babe? He still called me babe? I felt all fluttered.
"Yes love"
"How are you?" He asked.
"I'm fine, and you?" I replied
"I'm good" I answered his text in seconds, I missed him "I just said let me text you, Incase you've forgotten you have a boyfriend"
Awwnn!! My heart melted and I laughed. We turned 5 months yesterday, how fast time flies. The fact he still considered me a girlfriend and didn't carry on with the malice warmed my heart.
"I haven't forgotten baby, I'm still yours" I could feel both of us were smiling at our screens from our different locations "I'm sorry I pushed you that day" I added
"And I'm sorry I yelled at you, it wouldn't happen again" he said. Now this is one thing Noah would never do, apologize. The fact that I let a poor man treat me wrongly still baffles me till today, at least be poor and caring, you can't be two terrible things at once. Trevor was all the good things at once, I appreciated him dearly. "Let's start over? I promise to listen this time" he added.
"Yes baby, and I promise not to be so hard on you again" I said.
"I love you" Trevor said
"I love you too"*************************
August 2nd 2024
"Hurry, we're going to be late" Trevor called out, it was visiting day to his mums place. The last time we were there was April so this was another opportunity to see his lovely family again.
"I'm coming!" I wore a purple dress and the nude expensive bag he got me yesterday for girlfriends day. I looked as decent as possible.
"You look beautiful hun" Trevor said
"Thank you my good man" I blushed, I looked at my phone, it was already past 12. "Shit we have to start going"
Jordan followed us on the ride, though he stopped at a different location and we continued alone. His family house was far, I felt like throwing up all over the place.We finally got to his family house after what seemed like hours, his mum was outside working on there garden, I ran to hug her.
"Good afternoon ma" I said
"Oh Belle my daughter I didn't even recognize you anymore you've grown so big these past few months" she laughed.she was such a kind woman, I admired her and yes she is beautiful. 'thanks to your son ma'am, thanks to him' I said in my head blushing. Yes I did pull some weight these past few months, of course I have money now, and money changes you, even physically.
"How are you?" she asked me holding my hands.
"I'm fine ma" I blushed.
"Trevor, come" she called out to her son. Trevor walked over to her and they hugged and had some mother-son conversation.
I walked into the compound, there family house was huge, filled with people and plenty beautiful children, I carried my favorite, her name is Wealth, she's just 2, she was such a pretty girl and she sort of looks like me. She was Trevor's immediate elder sisters child.
We stayed around for a while till Trevor's dad came out, I have never spoken to him before and I felt nervous at his sight, I greeted him
"Daddy meet Belle, my girlfriend, Belle meet my dad"
"How are you my dear?" He asked me
"I'm fine sir" I said prostrating, lol, I was so nervous.
Trevors mum took me to there poultry farm, they had plenty fat chickens. I imagined spending the Christmas holiday here, holding a big chicken lap sitting outside with Wealth next to me. I felt more loved here than in my own house, like I was already a part of the family.
"The chickens are so big" I said. Wealth was still on my body, Trevor was talking to his dad.
"Yes yes they are" His mum said giving me that heavenly smile.
"Belle please come" Trevor called out to me "my dad wants to talk to you"
Omg, I'm pretty sure Wealth could feel my heartbeat. Something about fathers aura always made me nervous. I dropped Wealth on the ground and went to meet them
"Come on, let's go in and have a sit" Trevors dad said to me. I followed him in and we sat down
"My daughter, I'm very happy to see you here today, you two are in the same school?" He asked me.
"Yes sir, same department also" I said
"Woah that's good" He paused "This is the first time Trevor is actually bringing any girl home. I'm his father I know him well and I wouldn't lie to you" he exhaled "For him to bring you home for me to see, meaning it's something he takes seriously, so please, I'm asking you to take care of him too, help him get serious with his education and be for him. I can assure you, there's nothing outside, if he's good to you, stand by him ok?"
"Yes sir" I nodded.
"You two should face your studies and graduate well, and please don't get pregnant oh, until the time is right alright?"He smiled, I smiled back and nodded.
They bed us farewell as we got back into the car and drove off. We were going to his sisters place next, the one that seniors him directly and is Wealths' mum, Monica.
On getting there we figured the road wasn't motorable, so we had to get down and take a bike, and of course this was my first time on a bike, I wouldn't lie, I was scared and I giggled like a little school girl as Trevor was behind me, but I did burn my leg though, I wasn't mindful of the exhaust.
We got there, she was nice to us and welcoming, of course I'm there brothers wife. We talked about some stuffs as she made food for us, Trevor was going to be there till night fall, but I had to go cause it was getting late.
They both walked me out to the junction and then I got a cab to go home.
I felt like a part of the family already and I was really happy to be included.

All At Once
Romance"The sunset is beautiful, isn't it? Meet our protagonist, a charming teenage girl suffering from different illnesses. She meets Trevor at her rock bottom, her light, but just as soon as she thought things are going to be fine, a lot go wrong. Read m...