3. I can't break..

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I followed Lilly to Tyler's house, mindlessly kicking a rock. Ever since I moved in with her about three weeks ago, Lilly and I have become good friends. Don't get me wrong, she can be super bossy sometimes. For instances, making me going over to two random guy's house. Like, is she trying to get killed or something. But I would rather go with her than have her go by herself.

"That Marc guy is pretty cute, we could totally double date!" she exclaims walking a few steps ahead of me.

"Ah no thanks, I'm good," I reply. Marc is cute, but I can't deal with a boyfriend right now. To much has happened to me these last few years, I don't need more drama.

"Yaz, I mean like hang out! I know you are like anti-boy right now. Which I don't get cause Josh is all over you and you don't even look his way," she says looking back at me, raising an eyebrow.

We already made it to the right apartment building, so I run to catch up with her, ignoring her comment. Looking around I notice that the apartments actually look nice, not like some party place that I was picturing. We find the apartment and notice some guy standing at the door talking to Marc.

"Keep the change," we hear Marc say to the guy.

"Thanks man," the guy replies. He turns around to walk away when I notice that it was Josh.

"Lilly! Yaz! Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Josh asks in shock.

"Just hanging out with some friends, Josh," Lilly replies to him.

"Oh fun," he says looking at me then to where Marc stood. "Could we talk for a sec?" he says to me.

"Sure," I reply as he takes my hand in his. Oh no.. Here we go again. We walk down the hall a bit as I turn to see Lilly going into the apartment. Making eye contact with Marc I saw what looked like annoyance in his eyes, then he closed the door. Weird.

"What's up," I say turning to Josh.

He smiles shyly and I automatically know what he wants to ask.

"Well I was wondering what you were doing tomorrow night?.."

Ah Josh.. Why does he keep on making this so awkward for me. I look at him for a second just admiring him. Yes, he was attractive with his light brown hair, hazel eyes and perfect jaw line. Gosh why can't I just get over the pass and try to move on with my life. Maybe..

"Maybe we could just hang out as friends, just get to know each other better?" I voice my thoughts.

He frowns for a second, "Sure, baby steps? That will work," he says with a small smile, squeezing my hand a bit.

"Okay well you better get going, pizzas aren't going to deliver themselves," I reply feeling uncomfortable at the fact that he was still holding my hand.

"Right, I'll text you later," he smiles then jogs off.

Oh Lilly is going to have a field day with this one. Taking a deep breathe I go and knock on the door. Marc answers immediately and lets me in, but not before giving me a strange look. I choose to ignore it.

"So did you finally say yes to that poor boy?" Lil ask as I make my way over to her. I look around and can definitely conclude that this apartment belongs to two guys. The entranced opened to a large room which had the living and kitchen area. Which simple black couches and a tv. Everything looked clean shockingly. I notice the pizza boxes on the table and help myself to it.

Someone cleared their throat causing me to look. Instantly I become overwhelmed by 3 sets of eyes. I could feel my throat starting to close. As the pressure started to rise within me. Breathe Yasmine.. It's okay.

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