5. Maybe It Was Fate

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I had to go and open my big fucking mouth.

Why couldn't i just stayed quiet.

After we had finished eating I offered to walk her home. But she just shook her head and walked away.

Now here I am, on my couch, sitting all alone, staring at the ceiling. Slowly getting a headache from all the thoughts running through my head.

"Everyone deserves to have some happiness in their life. We all deserve to have someone there for us." I directly quoted from her and it was as if she had never heard it before.

She was upset, obviously. But why? Was it because of me? Surely not, its been 2 years. Even though i haven't stopped thinking about her and what I had done. She would have been able to move on. She was always so strong. So sure of what was to come next...


"So a teacher? Really? and deal with all those damn kids?" I ask Yasmine in shock. I hear her giggle and could just picture her smile through the phone.

"I get what you are saying. But I don't now, i guess i dont see it as dealing with a bunch of kids. I see it as making an impact on their lives, changing their futures. And the future in general." I could hear the passion in her voice. This is something she felt strongly about.

"Then why not just change it yourself, rather than helping someone else?" I ask getting up to get a Mountain Dew from the kitchen.

I hear her sigh through the phone. " I was never one to have the attention on me Marc. I just know that i'm here for a different reason."

"I love that you are so sure of yourself," i say letting the words slip out. Another giggle slipped from her lips. "You're blushing right?" I smirk as I lean on the counter taking a sip of my drink.

"Oh hush," she laughs not denying it. "and you? what do you want to do?"

Ahh, this was a question I often asked myself but never answered.

"Live..." I reply as I look into the mirror next to the kitchen entrance. I stare into the eyes of a soulless man.


"Sup man!" Tyler yelled as he busted through the door. He then pulls out a little bag filled with my favorite green herb. "Wanna hit?" he smirks.

"It's scary how well you know me," i say getting up to get the bong from my room. This is what i needed, something to help me clear up all these thoughts about Yasmine.

When I get back to the living room I hear Tyler on the phone.

"A party, huh?" he glances back at me and I just shrug. "We'll see, text me later." then hangs up.

"Louis is having a party," he says grabbing the bong from me. "Oh, how i missed you Dazey," he whispers as he caresses the yellow and white glass of Dazey. He named her that. He said she was a girl cause what straight guy would want to put his mouth on a guy bong. And of course, Dazey cause she puts you in a daze.

"When's the party?"

"Tonight at Skunk's house."

"Skunk should really rethink his name," i laugh.

"Nah i think it fits," he looks up at me as he is packing the bowl. "His house is always smelling like skunk," he smirks. "Fucking pot head."

I go to the kitchen to grab us some Mountain Dew. When i get back I see Tyler inhaling the smoke.

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