8. Amber is mute

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It's been 3 weeks since I left home.

3 weeks since I broke my mom's heart.

3 weeks since I talked to Mia.

I thought when I left home things would change. Maybe i would feel free? Free to do whatever I wanted. But it doesn't feel like that at all. I just feel ashamed. 

My heart hurts so much it's becoming heard to breath. 

"Hey Sexy, can i get you a drink?" 

I looked at the guy who stood next to me, that looked to be twice my age. Creepy pervs you meet at the club. Great, I attract pervs. 

"No thanks," I say taking a sip of the drink I already had. 

"You sure? Your drinks lookin' a lil low there," he stated getting way to close for my liking. I leaned away from his breath that wreaked of alcohol. 

"Yup I'm sure," I grimace wishing he would just let me drink my sorrows away in peace. Grabbing my drink i decide that sitting at a crowded bar probably wasn't the best place to not be bothered. I try to stand when the stranger's hand blocks me off.

"How bout a dance?" He whispers into my ear. I clench my jaw, leaning back, but i had nowhere to go. I was trapped between the bar and his arms. 

He smirks at me as he places his hands on my hips, pulling me towards the dance floor. 

I don't fight him off though. I mean why would I? This was my punishment right? For running away from all my problems. What's the worse he could do, kill me? Not like i haven't contemplated just doing that myself. 

If this guy were to kill me at least my family would eventually get some closure. Instead of just asking themselves, why i did it.

With my drink still in my hand we reach the dance floor. There was a reason i wasn't out here. Claustrophobia. Yes, the alcohol helped normally. But the fear from being in some pervy guys arms, was making every ounce of alcohol i consumed, disappear. 

He pulls me closer to himself as he grinds against my body. I hear him let out a groan in my ear, "Can't wait to see what you have underneath this tight top." He says running is hand across the bottom of my shirt. 

I feel his cool hand graze my skin and i shiver in response. He inhales sharply and i can no longer stand to be near him. I lift my drink planning to throw it at him and somehow make my escape. 

But before i could act on that plan he grips my wrist stopping me. "Feisty one, aren't ya?" he smirks, gripping my wrist tighter. I let out a soft whimper letting my cup drop to the floor.

 Next thing i knew the guy was being pulled off me. "Leave," A deep voice growled. My pervy friend looked shocked but left without another word. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you okay?"

I looked up at my hero and was stunned into silence by his beautiful bright blue eyes. I nod my head.

"Do you need some air?" i nod again. He takes my hand in his leading me out of the crowd. We go through a door that clearly reads, 'authorized personal only', but that didn't stop him. Before i knew it we were stepping onto the roof. I release his hand, walking further onto the roof. Finally, I can breathe.

We made it just in time for my favorite part of the day. The sunset. I watched in awe the colors of the sky change. We both stayed silent until the sun was finally gone.

"Feeling better?" I turn to where his voice came from. The Atlanta City lights illuminated his face making him seem almost mystical. I nod in awe.

"Are you mute?" he smirks.


"Good, that would make it a little difficult to figure out your name."

"Amber." Obviously i wouldn't give this guy my name, even if he did save me.

He takes a step towards me reaching out his hand, "Nice to meet you Amber, I'm Eli."

"Hi." All would have been fine if my stomach would have decided not to growl at me at that exact moment. Truth be told, i could not remember my last real meal. Maybe i was indirectly trying to starve myself to death, and was probably in denial. I had money, a lot of it, bright side of starting to work at 15. I just chose not to each anything aside from some apples and granola bars. Sometimes i would get stuff for PB&J.

"Well Amber, how about I treat you to dinner? Try to forget about tonight's incident?" As i was about to deny my stomach agreed for me. "Lets go," he doesn't take my hand this time and i can't help but be slightly disappointed. I follow closely behind though and when we reach the club area he takes my hand, "Don't need that guy taking you away from me." 

He drove us to waffle house in silence. Actually we didn't speak a word to each other until after the food arrived. 

"A growling tummy never lies," he chuckles.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize how hungry I was," i reply softly, staring at my empty plate while his was barely missing a fourth of his food.

"You do speak!" he laughs, causing me to smile a it. "And don't be sorry, we are human, we need food. Here," he then dumps half of his food onto my empty plate, "eat." I start to shake my head but he adds, "please Amber.." 

I start to eat this time a little slower, feeling bad for lying about my name. 

"My name is Yasmine actually.."

He looked confused at first, "I get it. Why you lied, I mean I am just some random person who saved you at a club." He smiled. His blue eyes held a sparkle that made me shiver. 

"Thank you, for everything. You are the first person that has been nice to me since i left." What the hell Yaz! Think before you open your mouth!

"Left where?" he asked curiously. 

"Uh.. I'm not from around here. Been.. traveling you could say." I hesitate. Why am i telling him this?

"Is that why you haven't eaten?" he asks cautiously. I was about to lie but i didn't see a point. He saw how i just preformed a magic act with food. 

"Do you have somewhere to stay?" he spoke softly almost afraid to offend me it seemed. Sleep? ha. That was a joke. I got sleep where i could. On the bus between towns. In libraries during the day. At random hook ups. I would get some sleep and a shower without them knowing. And my gym membership allowed me to shower and keep my clothes in the locker so i didn't have to carry them everywhere. Like i said i had money. But i honestly saw no point to waste it on some motel when i know the sleep i would receive there would be just as crappy anywhere else. 

But instead of replying all that, i just shrug.

"Stay with me." What?


"Uh, I mean you could stay at my place tonight. I wouldn't mind." He laughed nervously.

"No, i couldn't. I don't -"

"Please, I just want to help Yasmine." Why did he have to say please like that? Like if i denied his offer i would hurt him. I don't want to hurt him.


"Really? Thank you Yasmine!" He grinned making me giggle. "Where do you have your stuff? we can go get it so you can shower and stuff. Not that i think you smell but, you know, I -" 

"It's at the gym, in a locker." I interrupted pulling him out of the hole he was digging. 

"Lets go then," He said pulling me out the door after he left a 50 on the table. 

Luke Hemmings as Eli James

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