6. Here for you

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"Thank you for hanging out with me tonight, Yasmine." Josh and I just got back from Ihop. Surprisingly, everything went well. Aside from the incident with Brad.

"Thank you for asking me," well making me.

He turns to me as we stand in front of my apartment building, with a huge grin on his face.

"We should hang out again.." he says staring into my eye, "soon."

"Yeah," I smile, looking up into his eyes. He stood a proud tall 6', whereas I am only 5'6.

He opened his arms to give me a hug, but then quickly recovered putting out his hand for a fist bump. Oh Josh, he has been so sweet to me.. I couldn't help myself as i wrapped my arms around his body. At first he tensed up, probably shocked at what i just did. Then i felt his arms wrap around me as he buried his face into the crook of my neck.

We stayed like this for at least a minute, just enjoying each others embraces. I watched as life continued to move around us. People jogging, walking their dogs, on the phone. Everyone continued to live, not even knowing, or caring, what went on around them.

I sigh, slowly dropping my arms and stepping back. "Text me," i mumbled as i walked away, leaving Josh standing there with confused eyes.

"Yaz!" Lilly yells, as i walk through the door. "How was the date?" She asks running up to me, i could see the excitement in her eyes.

"It wasn't a date," as a grin breaks out on my face.

"Sure is wasn't," she winks. "Tell me about it as we get ready for the party." I look down at her to see she is already dressed in black top with a white skirt. I let out a groan.

We spent the next 30 minutes getting ready and chatting about my 'date'. When i had brought up the incident that happened with Brad, Lilly froze.

"Lilly..?" I whisper tilting my head the side. She was staring at herself in the mirror with a pained expression.

Her eyes suddenly snap to me as if she remembered i was in the room. For a moment she just stared at me then shook her head.

"Are you okay?" i hesitated.

"Uh, yeah.. you ready?" She asked forcing a smile that didn't reach her eyes. I nodded, then she turned and walked out of my room. Weird..

Once again, i look over myself in the full body mirror. Lilly said that we had to dress up cause it was the first party of the year. So i talked her out of me wearing anything too noticeable. Instead, i was approved to wear a white top with black leather tights.

Lets get this over with.

The drive to the house was quiet. Very quiet. Lilly was never this quiet. It honestly scared me. So i kept my thoughts on other things, not wanting to pressure Lilly into talking to me. I watched as the scenery around me went from urban to rural. As the business and houses slowly started to become rundown buildings. I could tell we were getting close to our destination, when the streets in the neighborhood, were crowded with cars.

When Lilly found a spot to park, we stayed in the car not saying anything. After at least, five minutes, i turned to Lilly taking her hands in mine. When i stared into her eyes, i could see that she was probably just as lost as I was. As I am.

"You can talk to me.. You know I am here if you need me.." i whispered.

She gave me a knowing small smile, "and i'm here for you.."

I smiled, then suddenly there was a knock on my window. I see that it was Tyler. I turn away from Tyler's huge grin, "Shall we go party the night away?"

"Oh hell yeah," She smiles.

When i step out of the car i am immediately grasped into a hug.

"Uh, hi Tyler.."

"Hi" he sighs, hugging me tighter. "You smell nice."

"Thanks.." get off please..

"Tyler, Lilly is here." I hear Marc say from behind Tony.

"Lilly!" he exclaims, running to her. He tower over her as he hugs her, i hear her laugh. I can't help but smile.

"Hi Yasmine.." Marc hesitates.

"Hi," i reply refusing to make eye contact. He sighs. "Guys, can we go now?"

"Yeah! Lets go!" Tyler yells as he grabs Lilly's hand and starts walking. Lilly pulls him back, "It's this way." Tyler laughs.

We walk to the house mostly in silence, aside from Tyler's random outbursts. They walked in front of Marc and I. Marc hasn't said anything beside hi. I can't help but feel guilty.

He didn't have any right to say that to me, he doesn't know me. But maybe i overreacted. Maybe he just wanted to help. I know i have a tendency to push people away.

I'll deal with this later.. tonight might actually be a good night to fall back into my old ways.

After the long walk from the car, i could hear the music from the party getting louder. Then i saw an old run down house. It was over flowing with people, on the porch, lawn, and in the streets. I could barely handle clubs without freaking out, how am i suppose to handle this. Drink.

I followed them through the house into the kitchen. Marc handed me a red cup. I downed half of it, welcoming the burn in my throat. I just wanted this feeling to go away. Well, all my feelings. The guilt, the regret, the anxiety.

Before i even knew it, i had downed 4 cups. By then I was in the living room. I had lost Lilly and Tyler long ago, but i could see Marc on the other side of the room. He was sitting on a couch with some girl who decided to leave her house in a bra and cut off shorts. Was i the only one who thought that this place was cold?

Everyone seemed to be having a good time, why I on the other hand just wanted to go to sleep.

I was standing there with some guy who wouldn't shut up. And sadly over the pass two years my alcohol tolerance has gone way up. So all that helped with, was being around so many people.

"..We just needed one more touch down to win.." please someone shoot me.. ".. ran all the way down the field.." Or him, either one would be fine.. "and we won, because of me, of course." The tall, buff guy grinned.

"Cool," i mumbled having no idea what on earth he was talking about.

"I know," he smirked putting is arm around my shoulder.

"I think it was boring as shit," a voice from behind us said.

I froze, I know that voice.

"No one was talking to you," Buff guy snapped, facing to were the voice came from. But i couldn't bring myself to turn around. This can't be true..

"I wasn't talking to you either." The guy replied. Just turn around Yaz!

Buff guy stepped away from me, i'm assuming towards the other guy, "Leave," he commanded.

I could see Marc making his way to me, with worried eyes.

"Ha, right," the guy replied. That sounds like him, but it can't be. He wouldn't be here.

"You okay?" Marc asked putting his hands on my shoulders. I nod.

Buff guy then grabbed Marc's hand pushing him off me, "Back off!" he snapped.

Marc scoffed, straightening his body. I could feel people staring at me. This can't happen, no.

"How bout you back off?" i say quietly to buff guy. He turned to me shocked. "Look, i don't even know your name. You bore me. I'm not going to sleep with you. So, just cut your loses and go find some other girl." Buff guy stared at me with an open mouth, then stalked off.

"Damn Yaz, still a badass." I finally decided to see if my theory was right. I slowly turned around to be greeted by the goofy grinned guy that I grew to love.

"Mason." I gasped.

Ashley Benson as Lilly

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