The Gaur is a bovine species, similar to the bison. Bos gaurus (or Indian bison) is the largest living bovine. It is native to South Asia and Southeast Asia.
The gaur has also been listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List since 1986.
The gaur has a head-and-body length of 250 to 330 cm (8 ft 2 in to 10 ft 10 in) with a 70 to 105 cm (28 to 41 in) long tail, and is 142 to 220 cm (56 to 87 in) high at the shoulder, averaging about 168 cm (5 ft 6 in) in females and 188 cm (6 ft 2 in) in males.
Yes, the gaur is bigger than the bison. Gaur is the largest of all wild cattle. It is bigger than American Bison and wild water buffalo.
The Indian Gaur can weigh up to 650 until 1500 kg, but they can run at speeds approaching 35 mph or 56 km/h, which is as fast as a horse.
Gaur are herbivorous animals. Being both grazers and browsers, these bovine feed mainly upon grass while leaves, forbs, coarse and dry grasses are a good supplement to its usual diet.
Due to their size and power, gaur have few natural predators besides humans. Leopards, dhole packs and large mugger crocodiles occasionally attack unguarded calves or unhealthy animals. Only tigers and saltwater crocodiles have been reported to kill adult gaur.
Bull gaur use the herd call, which makes the herd stop and converges. In addition, they give out roaring calls, which can last for hours during the mating season. It is very difficult for humans to approach Gaurs since they are extremely shy and cautious animals.
Animals On Earth: India, Asia, China, Hawaii, And Madagascar
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